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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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warrior smyth pattern?

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i found someone said smyth is a kovalchuk pro pattern, is this true?

Sorry, I tried searching but so many warrior threads :D

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smyth uses an easton and has a straight blade.. how could warrior be using his pattern?

You got to be kidding me,youve been on here long enough to know the answer for that one.

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I'm well aware of it and still laughing :lol:

But Seriously... how close is Koho's 23 curve to Kovalchuk's Pro pattern?

is 23 the one on the crossober abs blades?

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I use an inno McCarty curve so what would be my best bet in warrior?? :huh:

Is Robataille a clone??

yes it is the same blade just renamed.

Wasn't it originally the Robitaille? I remember seeing some of those at Perani's a few years ago when they started putting retail-style graphics on them.

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is 23 the one on the crossober abs blades?

Yes, they also have it on the Koho 4440 RB, old Titan 4020 etc..

Sweetest blade for ball-hockey.

Just wondering how close it is to Kovalchuk's Pro Pattern...

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I use an inno McCarty curve so what would be my best bet in warrior?? :blink:

Is Robataille a clone??

yes it is the same blade just renamed.

Wasn't it originally the Robitaille? I remember seeing some of those at Perani's a few years ago when they started putting retail-style graphics on them.

don't know for sure.

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