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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Why do some people only tape half thier blade?

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For our majors team, all the offense tapes heel to toe, and the entire Defense tapes only about two inches of the heel. starts about half an inch into the blade, then it stops about midway into the blade. I tried it and hated it, just not what I was used to I guess,

Another thing (that most of you will not have to worry about) is if its roller or ice. I know a majority of this board is ice players and this is in the ice forum, but I play both so I need to have a seperate stick for each that way i dont have to re-tape it every time I switch from roller to ice.

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Good picture of Kovalchuk's blade: http://www.ty-comemorabilia.com/Kovo_with_..._XX_stick_2.jpg

I'll try and find good pics of other blades of players mentioned above.

off topic but

does anyone else notice kovalchuks nike vapor xx skates and his bauer quest 1 pants? :P

theyre not XX skates theyre old Vapor 10's dressed up to look like V-12's just like Naslunds but alil different

I'm pretty sure that those are dressed up XXs instead of vapor 10s. Same outsole, same tendon guard, and the eyelet part which is usually silver on XXs are black. plus the fact that kovalchuk wore vapor XXs before his nike deal makes it more likely that his current skates are indeed redressed vapor XXs.

You're right on Nazzy though!

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1) You cant see the tendon guard

2) How could you possibly know that they have the same outsole when it's covered up?

3) i asked JR about them, had a whole thread on them, and he said that they are dressed up Vapor 10's

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1) You cant see the tendon guard

2) How could you possibly know that they have the same outsole when it's covered up?

3) i asked JR about them, had a whole thread on them, and he said that they are dressed up Vapor 10's

look at the bottom of his left skate

it's almost identical to a XX's outsole

vapor 10's are completely different

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How do you tape the toe of your blade? I see that pic of kovalchuk and he has tape on the toe and it still looks clean :o

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I used to put a few strips of black gummy stick tape out toward the toe of mine. Also, I overlapped the tape strips a little to create slight bumps. I always used a slight curve, with as little curve as possible in the heel and a little hook for the toe. This allowed accurate passing, good saucers and backhands, and when I really snapped it, I was building power as the puck moved down the blade with that last flick of aim right as it went off the end of the toe (my favorite shot is the snap wrister like Messier and Krutov would do coming from the off wing). I didn't take slapshots so I always want the puck moving hot off most of the blade. That was with wooden blades though.

With composites now, I've found that they are real slick and have no natural grip as well as seem to accumulate a lot more snow on them (Inno prostocks). So now I added tape from heel out with wide shin-guard style tape, as little overlap as possible, and wax it. The tape is just to hold the wax from heel to mid toe, and has a gap before the strips of friction tape. Feels noticeably heavier with the tape on, but without it I get no feedback or control on where the puck is as it never seems to feel 'on the stick.'

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lindros and heatley just do about 2-3 strips right in the middle of their blade.

Besides, what do they care if they break a stick or wear it out? They get freebie replacements.

If my stick gets worn or breaks I'm screaming bloody murder!! That's another bunch of money I gotta sneak by the wife.

So for me, the more tape the better if it helps prolong life at all.

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