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In search of new skates, help!

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ok, so i just started to play again, havent played since I was 19, I'm now 30. My old skates were Micron Mega's. I'm 6'3", 190 lbs, and my skate size on the micron was 9.5 D. Those skates fit great and I liked them a lot. I'm looking to spend somewhere around $250. I still havent tried on any skates as of yet cause I'm just trying to see whats out there first so I have some clue when I go to my local shop and try them out. Oh, I also skate without socks, not sure if that matters or not. Any assistance would be much appreciated. Thanks

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i'd say my footshape is medium. I had width D in the Micron. My feet arent narrow and they arent wide. I did look at the 8090's on the internet, those looked pretty good. I think i'd like a skate that has that thermo fitting system. I only skate about once maybe twice a week, so breaking in a skate may take some time.

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You should try on the 8090s before you buy them online, because they fit different than other bauers. They are also pretty wide for a D width ( I have a pair)

yeah thanks, im gonna try them on first before I buy them... actually, im getting ready to go now to the shop, hopefully they have them...

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I wouldnt really reccomend the 8090 skate just because its a very stiff skate and your only really playing once,twice a week. I would probably suggest finding a bauer vapor XIX if you can thats a fairly mid end skate easy break in or maybe even a vapor XI or maybe even a graf 502 because i dont think youd really want to be breaking in a pair of skates in a month you may prefer something alot easier so thats where a mid-end skate would do alot better for you.

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Take a look at a high end CCM Tack as well. CCM is well known for their comfort and from the sound of it you would probably be very comfortable in a D width. Wi th the new E-Blade they are a very durable and responsive skate and have a nice neutral contour which means you sit a little more level as opposed to a Bauer skate where you sit a little more back on your heels. You'll also get a quality product just as good or better than the Bauer skate.

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Take a look at a high end CCM Tack as well. CCM is well known for their comfort and from the sound of it you would probably be very comfortable in a D width. Wi th the new E-Blade they are a very durable and responsive skate and have a nice neutral contour which means you sit a little more level as opposed to a Bauer skate where you sit a little more back on your heels. You'll also get a quality product just as good or better than the Bauer skate.

yeah but hes only playing once or twice a week so he doesnt really need the high end skate just because it would take him along time to break in

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I just started playing again after a 10+ year hiatus too... I also had a pair of 10-90's (Size 10 D) circa 1991... and went with the Vapor XX... go for the blem's and you'll get them under $250... Very stiff compared to the 10-90's and VERY light, but if you don't pull the top eyelets as tight as the rest, I've noticed a much better forward flex... Went with the EE width (Size 10) and my feet don't hurt after a game like with my 10-90's. I also tried on a pair of RBK 8K's (Size 9.5 D) and they felt pretty good too, but since the 10-90's were owned by Bauer when I bought them I decided to stay with Bauer. Make sure you ask you LHS for LS2's, they'll be able to get them for you. I'd suggest trying 3-4 different Brands on, then decide which model in that Brand's lineup you want to pay for, just buy it at the LHS. :D

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ok, went to my local shop, they didnt have too much to choose from... They didnt have my size in the 8090's.. I tried on some type of Vapor, yeah sorry, forgot which ones they were.. might have been the XX... they fit alright, but im wondering, are these skates that have the heat molding technology, are they not supposed to fit snug when you try them on? damn, this is a harder decision than i thought! lol... everybodys input has been helpful

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The XX's (nor the other brands top skates) won't be snug until after they get baked, so yeah, it does make it a little tough... Most LHS's will be willing to work with you. Depending on your LHS options, now is a good time to be getting deals because all the new lines will be coming out over the next couple of months... It may be worth a drive to a different LHS, even if it is an hour or two drive... Alternatively, there are some other LHS that you can deal with on this site, work out a deal with your LHS to bake 'em if they don't have a good selection and buy other stuff from that shop! Most will bake for a charge, this just encourages them to do it right! ;)

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I'm compelled to chime in here too....

I saw the light last year after a 17 year layoff. My old supreme 100's were pretty worn out, and I picked up a pair of Mission Flywieghts out of Hockey Monkey's discount bin to get me back on the ice. They were pretty good for my first season back, but they just never felt right.

Once I got out of the gate this season I visited my lhs and tried on several pairs. I have a monster foot and they brought in a couple of pairs for me to try on until I found a pair that felt right.

My recommendation is don't rush into a purchase, and try on several different manufacturer's skates. Skates have come a long way since you were last buying and there is no substitute for trying several pair on. You will know you have the right one's when you have them on!

I never thought I wouldn't be a Bauer guy, but I'm in heaven with my new Rbk's. Hang in there and your locals should be able to get you into a pair of skates that feel fantastic.

Good luck.


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what sucks about my LHS, is the hired help. Younger kids, like so young that he didnt recognize the name micron when I mentioned it... When I was younger, playing a lot, I always went to the shop with the old time hockey type owner, now there are 19 year old kids that sound like they smoked 5 joints before they came into work... i dont wanna rush into a pair of skates, but my microns are just about to bust (the left skate is cracked).. kinda need a pair by next week the latest... I did notice a lot of the pairs were marked down because the new lines are coming in, but I didnt want the LHS to try to dump an overstock skate on me... guess I will ask for the owner of the shop next time... I agree lerxst, i might have to travel a few hours to find a place... oh yeah, one more thing, I cant stand the looks of skates today... they look like high-top basketball shoes... I guess I gotta get over the looks and just concentrate on the feel...

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You shouldn't actually see your own skates between the time you put them on and take them off. Don't worry about the looks.

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finally bought skates this weekend, went with the Vapor XXX. A bit pricey, but after putting my foot in that skate, it was kind of hard for me to go with any other pair. The Vector Pro's felt the next best. Thanks again for the help guys.

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what sucks about my LHS, is the hired help. Younger kids, like so young that he didnt recognize the name micron when I mentioned it... When I was younger, playing a lot, I always went to the shop with the old time hockey type owner, now there are 19 year old kids that sound like they smoked 5 joints before they came into work... i dont wanna rush into a pair of skates, but my microns are just about to bust (the left skate is cracked).. kinda need a pair by next week the latest... I did notice a lot of the pairs were marked down because the new lines are coming in, but I didnt want the LHS to try to dump an overstock skate on me... guess I will ask for the owner of the shop next time... I agree lerxst, i might have to travel a few hours to find a place... oh yeah, one more thing, I cant stand the looks of skates today... they look like high-top basketball shoes... I guess I gotta get over the looks and just concentrate on the feel...

Those Micron Megas were the $hit back in the day. Every now and then you'll see a pair on eBay. My first pair of skates were Riedells.

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I hear you about the youthful hockey shop employee.....As a kid I had both Micron and Lange for a season apiece.....it is doubtful anyone in my shop knows about those.....

Buying skates is akin to rocket science to me.

I have read so much on here from the fitting guru's (you guys know your stuff.....business must be good!) and I had more than a base level of knowledge when I went looking to buy new skates this year.

Then, when I was in the shop trying to find some skates to fit over my big paddles I kept waiting for someone who knew their stuff to help me out. Those young guys are eager and helpful, but I could get the boxes off the shelf by myself if I needed to. They didn't help me out much with fit at all.

After trying on many many pair, ordering some in, then ordering more in, I finally asked for the owner. He knew his stuff and got in some great fitting skates. Then he threw in some superfeet insoles. What kind of old guy like me knows about those? But I could be in their marketing department now, I love them that much. They really finished the skates off for me. I have been on the ice at least 10 times for a couple of hours a shot and I have absolutely no foot pain. No burning 10 minutes into the skate. No sore arches at 30 minutes. No rubbing on the ankle, heel, wherever. Nothing like I have experienced in my years of playing.

I didn't think that was possible. I always took it for granted that skates would be tight somewhere. Maybe even thought it was needed when I was younger. Everyone had sore feet when I quit playing in the late 80's.

Thanks to everyone on this board for helping us old guys returning to the game!

I am glad to hear you are in a great pair of skates. Aren't the new skates something else? Wow.....

Welcome back, and enjoy the game!



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if you aren't looking for the latest and lightest..a pair of Classic Gold or Classic Silver skates by Bauer (on closeout most places ) would be good..they also have the old Mega 1090 last and are a deep fitting, volumious boot...the Silver is less still and heavier..the Gold is nice..love the liner on the inside..but otherwise 8090 or even some Supreme 4000's ($80 at HockeyGiant.com) would be a great way to merge the past experience with current skates..

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it depends on how much money you want to spend.. You might like the Graf line because they have a different skate for each foot shape, wether it be wide or narrow..

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What, the Bauer XX's and 8090's aren't high end skates? Fine then look at the CCM 652, 752 or 852. Middle of the line skates that will break in easier and still just as good quality as anything Bauer has out. Also very comfortable and DURABLE more than I can say for certain lines of Nike/Bauer skates.

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