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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Anyone know this pattern #?

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It is a Blake. Looks kind of retail modoish, but the curve looks a bit more to the heel (which I like). I can't use a stiff shaft, so I am researching different patterns for a purchase or custom. Are you saying it is a "186D"?

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I know it says 186D, but I thought they began w/ "P"

S= stiff

186= pattern number

D= version

Only generic pro patterns are "P" patterns.

Thanks Chadd. I know your store can get the P patterns, but can they get/ does TPS sell these too?

I was told last year that we could order any current pattern but if there weren't any in stock we had to order at least 6. Since I'm not in the shop much anymore and a lot of the production has shifted to China I don't know what the deal is anymore.

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D means version, in what sense?

If I remember what I was told correctly; Each change gets a new suffix to reduce confusion when an order is placed.

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It is a Blake. Looks kind of retail modoish, but the curve looks a bit more to the heel (which I like). I can't use a stiff shaft, so I am researching different patterns for a purchase or custom. Are you saying it is a "186D"?

His pattern is close to a retail Sakic. Slightly less curve, loft, and bottom rocker.

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His pattern is close to a retail Sakic.  Slightly less curve, loft, and bottom rocker.

more of a longer modano

Not really. More curve, more loft, and a lie of 5.5

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