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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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ONE 90 on Todays Show!

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Yeeaa so my LHS has junior ONE90s in stock right now. $524 CAD. I tried 5.5 D's on and they were gorgeous. Such nice skates.

Edit: just to clarify for you characters, they were demo skates. I have no idea how many pairs of them they have but I do know they had 5.5 d's :D

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I got one90's molded to my foot today at the Worcester Expo. Oh my god, I seriously have no idea how to describe them. So light, so comfortable. Felt great. They even look one hundred times better in person. I talked to the rep for almost an hour, he asked me how I knew so much about the new product, I told him Modsquad Hockey. He then gave me a new Bauer lid and added, "Tell JR you have a hat he doesn't have yet." :P I can't remember his name, but said he was the Nike RH guy on here for quite a while. I have to admit, he really sold the skates on me and was very accomidating.

EDIT: I didn't get the skates, but the rep heat fitted me for a pair and I wore them for roughly an hour.

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That picture you posted, dont the one 90's have a clear holder on them? His is white. Also i have read many different prices on different sites, lhs, and players on the one 90's i just want to know once and for all in usd what will a pair cost me. (and if the actual price has been posted please just tell me no ass hole responses)

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That picture you posted, dont the one 90's have a clear holder on them? His is white. Also i have read many different prices on different sites, lhs, and players on the one 90's i just want to know once and for all in usd what will a pair cost me. (and if the actual price has been posted please just tell me no ass hole responses)

Prucha has regular Lightspeed 2's on his One90s.

Nobody has a set price for the One90s yet. Wait till they come out.

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He then gave me a new Bauer lid and added, "Tell JR you have a hat he doesn't have yet." :P I can't remember his name, but said he was the Nike RH guy on here for quite a while. I have to admit, he really sold the skates on me and was very accomidating.

Ahhh Evan...

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yeah..but JR's got the skates!!

The guy you met is a great guy at NBH....

greech has them too

I don't have the skates yet; and I edited my post to clarify that. I can guarentee I'll have them when they're released; they are legit.

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If no one had already beat me to it...

Did anyone else notice Drury is in the One90's? Really says something for him to go with the One90 over the Synergys with the deal he has with Easton...

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