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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Drury clone with lower lie ?

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I'm playing with Modano clones right now, but I keep hearing about how great the Drury curve is and am curious to see why. I tried a Kovalev, I couldn't get used to it fast enough and I think the lie is too high for me. But I built a backyard shooting pad with ice so I now have plenty of time to experiment and practice with a new curve. I would like a lie 5 or lower. Any suggestions ? I have consulted the pattern DB but didn't see anything likely. Thanks !

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Jokinen or pro stock.

The pattern DB says the P106 (= Jokinen ?) is only "slightly open", whereas the Drury is "very open", and I assumed that the degree of openness is part of the appeal of the Drury pattern. True or not ?

I will consider pro stock as well, if someone would recommend which pro stock I ought to get - preferably available online.

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The Sherwood Crosby is kinda like the Drury and i think its a 5 lie but im not sure... all i know is that i use the drury and when i tried the crosby i couldnt shoot and i think its cause of the lie... Kovalev warriors/innos are the same too...

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the warrior ads says their kovy is a 5 lie, now are they just inno kovys with a warrior logo on them?

There's been a lot of speculation on this board about the Warrior lies. Most people think the catalogue is incorrect, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed hoping that they did in fact change the lies and that the Kovy really is a 5 now.

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The Crosby is close to a Drury curve and it is listed as a 5 lie.

Sherwood shows it a 6 on their site.

Hmmm...the pattern DB list it as a 5 lie, the Sherwood website list in as a 6? Now I'm just confused. :huh:

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The Crosby is close to a Drury curve and it is listed as a 5 lie.

Sherwood shows it a 6 on their site.

Hmmm...the pattern DB list it as a 5 lie, the Sherwood website list in as a 6? Now I'm just confused. :huh:

That tends to happen regarding this sort of thing.

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i think the old crosbys were actually 5 lie, they posted the wrong lie on the catalouge or something like that

yehat he old crosbys were like drury and the lie was said to be 5 - 5.25

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