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Death metal

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i like to workout with heavy music and right now i got bodom going but theyre kinda soft now that i listen to them all the time. what are some bands that are faster, heavier and crazier then them?

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oooh well where do i start, A Perfect Murder, As I Lay Dyning, Throwdown, Atreyu, Black Label Society, Bury Your Dead, Darkest Hour, Dummu Borgir, Disturbed, Drowning Pool, Fear Factory, Godsmack, Hammerfall, In Flames, Killswitch Engage, Korn, Lamb of God, Megadeth, Metallica, M.S.I., Motorhead, Pantera, Rage Against the Machine, Rammstein, Rob Zombie, Shadows Fall, Slipknot, Soulfly, Superjoint Ritual, Three Days Grace, White Zombie n thats pretty uch my iPod so there ya go your pick

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well, those bands arent death metal and since u said you wanted death metal, ere aresome good death metal/deat core bands. and then some just really heavy shiat.


Despised Icon *amazing

Cephalic Carnage

All Out War


Job For a Cowboy *also amazing


Pycroptic *also amazing

The Black Dahlia Murder

Between the Burried and me

Heaven Shall Burn

Into the Moat

Norma Jean *also amazing

Suffocation (probaly the most "original" idea of "death metal" there is today)

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These are not death metal (because I hate it) but they are heavy as hell:

Full Blown Chaos

Sworn Enemy

All That Remains


God Forbid




Can't go wrong with any of those.

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oooh well where do i start, A Perfect Murder, As I Lay Dyning, Throwdown, Atreyu, Black Label Society, Bury Your Dead, Darkest Hour, Dummu Borgir, Disturbed, Drowning Pool, Fear Factory, Godsmack, Hammerfall, In Flames, Killswitch Engage, Korn, Lamb of God, Megadeth, Metallica, M.S.I., Motorhead, Pantera, Rage Against the Machine, Rammstein, Rob Zombie, Shadows Fall, Slipknot, Soulfly, Superjoint Ritual, Three Days Grace, White Zombie n thats pretty uch my iPod so there ya go your pick

Not a single death metal band in those. I'm a big fan of death/black metal and most people don't know what metal really is. Slipknot, Korn, Rage against is NOT metal, sorry.

If you like children of bodom, you'll probly like finnish, scandinavian metal. MBest band i know is Kalmah : Samples: http://www.kalmah.com/downloads.htm

Song: http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fusea...riendid=6636596

Try Amon Amarth, Ensiferum (Viking metal), Catamenia (litlle more blackish), Eternal Tears of Sorrow, Arch Enemy, Dark Tranquility, Hypocrisy too.

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I really don't like any death metal at all, I don't know how you can live your life with that as your soundtrack. Most of it is just noise and deep ass screams, but some of these bands at least have the musicianship:

From a Second Story Window

Through the Eyes of the Dead

Glass Casket

Heavy Heavy Low Low

Bodies in the Gears of the Apparatus

Ion Dissonance

Ed Gein


Genghis Tron

A lot of that is more grind/noisecore stuff, search up Grindcore if you want some more of that.

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Hopesfall, but that's just cool riffs and screaming, but the lyrics (if you hear them) are good

Anthrax, doubt it's "death metal" but it's good none-the-less

I'm drawing a large blank right now though...

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Metal is a very very wide thing, you just can't imagine. Vocal isn't always harsh, power metal, gothic metal, etc, have clean or feminine vocals. Death and black are very different things, so is thrash metal... Anyway, this could help: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_heavy_metal_genres

By the way, hardcore and related genres are not metal.

I like melodic metal only, i can't listen to plain death or black, it has to be melodic death. Children of Bodom is very very melodic so if you like them check out kalmah and Ensiferum...

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i like to workout with heavy music and right now i got bodom going but theyre kinda soft now that i listen to them all the time. what are some bands that are faster, heavier and crazier then them?

Try Trivium

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