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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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rebelion hockey

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We used to carry their stuff, the skates IMO are over priced for what you get. You shouldnt have a cheap nylon outsole when you are paying $500 for a skate. The sticks on the otherhand were nice. Their stuff never really sold at our store

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We used to carry their stuff, the skates IMO are over priced for what you get. You shouldnt have a cheap nylon outsole when you are paying $500 for a skate. The sticks on the otherhand were nice. Their stuff never really sold at our store

Some of the sticks are really heavy

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Oh yeah, i forgot to mension that Sheldon Souray was wearing them when he played in Sweden (Färjestad), during the lockout season of 2004/2005...


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He also says Fleury is a fat chirpy bag of douche.

I'm sure many people would agree with his assessment of Fleury.

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Just received my pair of Rebellion 7500 gloves that I purchased from e-bay. Palms are super soft and they feel very comfortable. I like the fact that the wrist protectors are removable. As for durability, yet to be seen.

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Buddy that plays in the UK league uses them, says they are more comfortable than any glove he's used.

He also says Fleury is a fat chirpy bag of douche.

From Coventry, are we? :lol:

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Ha! Is that the town where they threw bags of powder at him??

From Canada, played for Edinburgh. Yes they are terrible. But the team had a third of the cap room of most of the teams in that league.

Belfast actually wanted him to play with Theo. Nobody wants that job cause you'd spend most of the season being a speedbag standing up for the stupid shit Fleury pulls... but still he said he is so incredibly skilled, so you'd get 30 and 30 playing with him.

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Hey! I live in Edinburgh! Which player is this? Neil Stevenson-Moore? Jim Vickers? Mike Kiesman? Mike Sandbeck? Neil McCann? Jeff Marshall?


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Man, Kieser was a frigging blessing for Edinburgh. Please convince him to stay with us!! We'll suck so badly without him!!

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Buddy that plays in the UK league uses them, says they are more comfortable than any glove he's used.

He also says Fleury is a fat chirpy bag of douche.

Wow! i thought us (belfast) and the caps were friends no? lol Hey quintin did tony hand leave?

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I thought the same thing. Last Belfast v Edinburgh game, Ed Courtenay was speaking with Tony like he was an old mate. Ed's such a nice guy too.

Yeah, Tony left us to go as Player/Coach for Manchester and wants to be on a "winning team". I bet us Caps will kick ass now that's he's gone! (Good coach, can be a bit bossy at times though)

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I thought the same thing. Last Belfast v Edinburgh game, Ed Courtenay was speaking with Tony like he was an old mate. Ed's such a nice guy too.

Yeah, Tony left us to go as Player/Coach for Manchester and wants to be on a "winning team". I bet us Caps will kick ass now that's he's gone! (Good coach, can be a bit bossy at times though)

Meh, thats the hockey industry eh? Im so syked, Eds coming back next season and i heard Theos playing in Japan, but i dunno if thats true and to tell ya the truth, i honestly couldnt care.

Manchester? Phoenix or Storm? Are both not like gone!

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I kinda like the fact that Tony left Edinburgh. He's a good coach and player and all but... he's bossy so that probably stressed out some of the team mates. I wouldn't know about that but ask Headonaswivel to ask Kiesman what Tony's coaching was like.

It's Manchester Phoenix that are coming back. Stupid Manchester...

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Hand was EASILY your best player and as for saying you would suck without keiser didnt panthers WHOOP them 8-0?LOL

Back on topic i used some Rebbelion gloves for about 3 weeks and i loved em they were really comfy

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Pantherfan, thats not nice, but wait didnt we beat caps 11-2? lol im only joking bud i like them

On topic i really wanna try a rebelion stick

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And Kieser scored 2 own goals.... We're gonna avoid the Wooden Spoon this coming season!

My player/coach played with a Rebellion stick. Pretty cool, pretty light but didn't know how the durability was. He seemed gutted when it broke...

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I wanted to bump this back to the top.

A friend of mine sent me a brand new Rebellion 2385 stick that I received today. The blade on it is exactly what I've been playing with (Leopold/Coffey-ish), so I guess he wanted me to have it for that reason.

Anyway, it feels super light, grip coating, and although it says 85 on the shaft, it feels a little more whippy.

Has anyone had any experiences with Rebellion stuff since last this thread was posted in?

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I posted on this topic over a year ago stating the gloves dont last, and from using them this season (team gloves), i can back this up. Although performance wise, i love them. The plastic inserts seems to be coming through on the top, i got an injury on my thumb because the thumb lock on both hands broke. The left palm is really torn up (im rh), but i do that to all my gloves so im not surprised.

I love the mobility in both the fingers and the wrist. I guess they would be seen more as a forwards glove due to the mobility but protection problems (thumb lock etc).

Since i got them for free, ill stop complaining.

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... a guy in my pickup hour bought a couple of Silver Shadow ops' for $20 each. Decent weight, so-so balance, nice Drury clone curve. He likes them a lot, and they've held up alright so far.... he's going on a month with the 2 he has.

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I was very impressed by Graphite Gunner model I had-heavy compared to pricier sticks but good performance. Durability was excellent, and my slapshot didn't noticably improve with a stick I paid 6X price for. Rebellion's older model sticks often cheap on ebay etc-good value for prices sticks go for-usually under $50.

Have a well used Rebellion about to become my ball hockey stick-grip is still perfect. Why does my sons Stealth cnt grip peel off after few uses?

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