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Padding for back of thighs

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I just got some Jr. Bauer 1000 pants for my son, and there is no padding at the back of the legs. I'm going to add some there, but did Bauer leave the padding out on purpose?

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I said this in another thread too, but Bauer's objective is to sell pants, not protect your son. They'll get a bigger profit margin by using less material, and having asian workers spend 2 mins. less on each pair of pants.

Also, you should put in a tail-bone guard. I think I severely bruised mine or broke it, and it bothered me for almost a year. (I was refereeing a scrimage for the team my dad coaches, so no pants on...)

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Also, you should put in a tail-bone guard. I think I severely bruised mine or broke it, and it bothered me for almost a year. (I was refereeing a scrimage for the team my dad coaches, so no pants on...)

Eh, thanks for reminding me about the tail-bone guard. I got a 2nd-hand pair of Bauer 2000s for myself and kept getting hurt in the tail-bone until I transplanted the tail-bone guard from my old CCM Supras.

I think I'll transplant a tail-bone guard from my son's Itech pants to the newer Bauer 1000s.

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Most low end pants don't provide as much protection as the higher end pants. My recommendation, look for a pair of high end close out pants for your son.

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pants generally don't have much padding in the back of the legs, since there generally is no contact there. the tailbone protection is a must though.

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Most low end pants don't provide as much protection as the higher end pants. My recommendation, look for a pair of high end close out pants for your son.

Contact Mark County (info@salmingcanada.com). He has closeout Protector JR's which have the same tailbone protection and padding in the back (although nowhere near as thick as the front) as the Protector Lite senior pants.

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Jason, chippa13:

Thanks for the tip about getting higher-end pants on closeout. I'll definitely get some for my son next year, when these Bauer 1000s get too small.

For the rest of this year and next year, I got the Bauer 1000s because they were Cdn$19.99 (old model, store closing down). I sewed in a mouse pad to protect the back of his thighs, and I will transplant a tailbone protector.

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