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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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recommendation for outdoor wheels

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Normally people dont like to spend $8-9 a wheel if its for outdoor, but what I did during the summer when I played everyday with friends was put on my older more expensive wheels. Before that I would use these limegreen labeda wheels at like $1.25 each. Then I put on Labeda gripper milleniums that I had just finished using on indoor. Those actually lasted longer then outdoor wheels. It doesnt make much sense since theyre supposed to be softer, but I liked them. Lasted me all summer.

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yeah me too.. i use old dynastys and milleniums that are chunked up and chipped.. i think those work best outdoors and last be a while and give me good grip at the same time. If its a street or black top im not sure how those would last but on a outdoor league i use old worn out wheels not grippy enough for sportcourt anymore

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i use whatever is on sale. i hate playing outdoor :P

i used my milleniums outside and they didn't wear much at all which was surprising. but i wouldn't want to use them regularly. i would just pick up some cheap outdoor wheels since they're not going to last as long as playing indoor.

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if it's a tennis court type surface: i used old gripper lites on tennis courts and they didn't wear out that fast at all. but after taking them outdoor they are obsolete for indoor, or multi-sport surfacing, obviously. for actual streets i used labeda asphalts and those lasted me a good deal of time.

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Hyper 250 or Labeda Asphalt.

2 best outdoor wheels, and I play in a competetive outdoor league so I should know... <_<

I swear by these wheels as well. For me, they last longer than all other wheels I've tried. Although if you can find some Yak Slap 88A wheels, I'd buy as many as you can because they aren't made anymore.

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Normally people dont like to spend $8-9 a wheel if its for outdoor, but what I did during the summer when I played everyday with friends was put on my older more expensive wheels. Before that I would use these limegreen labeda wheels at like $1.25 each. Then I put on Labeda gripper milleniums that I had just finished using on indoor. Those actually lasted longer then outdoor wheels. It doesnt make much sense since theyre supposed to be softer, but I liked them. Lasted me all summer.

ya those lime greens ones were really good and cheap but don't last very long.

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