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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ovechkin's helmet

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Off topic but he was wearin those gross vector gloves last game.

Those are actually pretty nice gloves if you try them on.

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i have a hunch that the 652 dome that AO was wearing at the olympics and that pav datsyuk wears for the red wings has the liner of a 1052, all the "gel packs" and softer foam as opposed to the retail 652 liner

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He typically wears the 1052 helmet, but wore the 652 at the Olympics

are the 652's illegal in the NHL?

No, plenty of guys still wear the 652/HT2.

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He typically wears the 1052 helmet, but wore the 652 at the Olympics

are the 652's illegal in the NHL?

No, plenty of guys still wear the 652/HT2.

so was there a particular reason ovy was wearing one for the olympics and doesn't for the season?

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