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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sharpeners and MRI's

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I've been told that because I'm a high volume skate sharpener I can not have an MRI done because of the steel particles in my body from inhaling steel dust. Am I supposed to inform medical professionals about my job before an MRI is done? Thoughts? Is there any truth to this?

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Do you really inhale that much dust when sharpening? I have never done it so I 'm just asking.

If you are worried about it why not wear some sort of dust mask or shield when sharpening? If that isn't doable just blow your nose after sharpening to try and clean out as much dust as possible that may be left in your snout. I know I have to do this after trimming the yard, target shooting, construction work, etc... just to get all the crap out. Then again I have a big snout. :P

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Knowing that...would it be considered wimpy, or un-manly to wear one of those dust masks like Drywallers wear?

I mean...look a little goofy...maybe get laughed at...or Black Lung.

Hmmm...people laughed at the idea of wearing helmets.

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If you maintain your filter, you shouldn't have any problems. I have worn a dust mask before, with my machine in Orlando. One day the sharpener at B&R got so clogged up I refused to sharpen. I wanted to swap filters but the idiot who was my boss told me no, because it was busy. So I just walked off the machine and let him do it.

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You can have trouble with your lungs, but it is not the steel dust. The abrasive material ofthe wheel can get inhaled and cause silicosis. That is why you need to have a ventilation system running while the machine is on. I just have a woodworkers wood dust vacuum hooked up to a metal shroud to the right of my Wissota, and there is absolutely no dust in the air. It vents outside.

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I'm working with three different machines and only one has a functioning air filter. I just wear one of those disposable masks when I use the other two. Its good for function and fashion! :D

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You can have trouble with your lungs, but it is not the steel dust. The abrasive material ofthe wheel can get inhaled and cause silicosis. That is why you need to have a ventilation system running while the machine is on. I just have a woodworkers wood dust vacuum hooked up to a metal shroud to the right of my Wissota, and there is absolutely no dust in the air. It vents outside.

That's why I miss the Blackstone. It didn't pick up the skate dust as well as a Blademaster, but it picked up the dust out of the air better.

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I wear a mask. I don't care what anybody says who comes into the shop. I don't care what I look like with it on.

On a side note about sharpening, please don't interupt the sharpener to ask a stupid question! Customers never get that one either.

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Is this something I should worry about just sharpening a couple pairs of skates at a time? I wasn't planning on even using a shop vac when doing home sharpenings.

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I would not do that INSIDE of my house, since the room would fill up with the dust and eventually pollute the whole house. Maybe out in the garage would be ok. But a good dust mask is always a good idea. You could just get an old vacuum cleaner from somewhere, build a wood box with one wall missing, duct tape it to the side of your sharpener where the sparks fly to, and vent all that dust outside. Just run a hose from the blower side of the vacuum to a hole in the wall.

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I was planning to do the garage thing. I guess I'll just have to see what happens after one sharpening and see if it is neccessary to build the box.

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wow, i had no idea this was something to be concerned [albeit slightly] about. how often do you clean the filter? i don't want the black lung, lol...

at the pro shop i work at, we're supposed to alternate cleaning it, but nobody else does it...so the last time anybody (read: me) did it was like 2 months ago. gonna have to start getting on the other guys to do it...

and yeah, i don't get the interrupting thing either. most of the time its for something retarded that has nothing to do with me or the pro shop, like getting change for video games or asking where the bathroom is. and, it seems they usually don't talk loudly, so you have to turn off the vacuum or walk over to them, and then they ask you a retarded question. sometimes i wish i could slap customers.

that's up there with adult league guys who come in 5 minutes before the game for sharpenings, or skates that smell so bad i start wretching, or people who come in 3 minutes before closing with elaborate, time consuming requests...the list continues. i should start a LHS employee pet peeve thread, hah...

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I was planning to do the garage thing. I guess I'll just have to see what happens after one sharpening and see if it is neccessary to build the box.

If you have to do multiple pairs of skates and don't have a mask, just drape a wet towel over a box or something and the dust will stick to it. Voila! Instant filter!

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I was planning to do the garage thing.  I guess I'll just have to see what happens after one sharpening and see if it is neccessary to build the box.

If you have to do multiple pairs of skates and don't have a mask, just drape a wet towel over a box or something and the dust will stick to it. Voila! Instant filter!

I used a cardboard box with a hole in the side for a shop-vac hose.

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i am doing research on this very topic....

I drink heavily every night and sharpen a lot of skates every day. I am trying to figure out which one will kill me first. I should be able to post my findings shortly.... :lol:

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i am doing research on this very topic....

I drink heavily every night and sharpen a lot of skates every day. I am trying to figure out which one will kill me first. I should be able to post my findings shortly.... :lol:

Practicing for the show next year? JR and I will have to take you to see our bartended friend in Toronto. I still think he was a hobbit.

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Toronto is going to be NUTS.

I don;'t think we'll get our room for $20 (or whatever it was) a night this time

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i am doing research on this very topic....

I drink heavily every night and sharpen a lot of skates every day.  I am trying to figure out which one will kill me first.  I should be able to post my findings shortly....  :lol:

Practicing for the show next year? JR and I will have to take you to see our bartended friend in Toronto. I still think he was a hobbit.

I will say, I didn't bring my game face for the show in Boston. Was very disapointed with the second night, just really didn't feel like drinking. I will have to make sure i am training and am in mid season form for Toronto

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