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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New Helmet Concept on CBC's Venture

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For anyone who might be interested, Sunday at 7:25, Venture is running an episode called the Venture Cup, that follows around three very distinct companies, all related to hockey. My company has developed a new helmet concept that is featured on the show, and features footage filmed at the One Goal Show in Boston.

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Do you know whether this will broadcast on any of DirecTV's sports channels?

most likely not. the direct tv signal only picks up US tv signals.

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there is also a feature on a new blade and holder that was featured on hockey night last night. Kelly Ruddy claims that everybody will be using them when they hit the market

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what would a hot blade help with skating? when you bake your skates dont they tell you not to skate on hot blades

If I understand it correctly, it's heating the ice to turn it into water more quickly. We don't actually skate on ice, we hydroplane on a very thin layer of water, so heating the ice would quicken the process.

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Ok, that was.. Probaply the oddest looking helmet I have ever seen.

It looked different from what I am used to and I did not see any of the main protection points. What kind of padding is inside?

Does anyone else have anything to say on it?

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For anyone who might be interested, Sunday at 7:25, Venture is running an episode called the Venture Cup, that follows around three very distinct companies, all related to hockey. My company has developed a new helmet concept that is featured on the show, and features footage filmed at the One Goal Show in Boston.

You one of the guys on the show ?

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Ya helmet was weird looking -- looked more like a dirt bike helmet-- plus what do u do if you dont want to wear the visor? does it pop up ? The blades were coool -- nuthing to do with the heating up as was speculated on this thread -- but if a NHL player is already willing to use it - must be ok -- looks like it has potential.

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For the record, a heated blade wouldn't really help anything. The slickness of ice is caused by a quasi-fluid layer on top of the ice that's there regardless of temperature (down to almost absolute zero). The pressure onthe blades and frictional heating from skating won't increase the glide by that much.

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For the record, a heated blade wouldn't really help anything. The slickness of ice is caused by a quasi-fluid layer on top of the ice that's there regardless of temperature (down to almost absolute zero). The pressure onthe blades and frictional heating from skating won't increase the glide by that much.

That's different from what I've read in a book on the physics of skating. It said the friction from the skates heats up the ice, creating a layer of water upon which we hydroplane.

Similar to that, I've read somewhere else that it's not possible to skate in Siberia because it's too cold for the friction to produce enough heat to create the layer of water.

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Do you know whether this will broadcast on any of DirecTV's sports channels?

It should be on CBC Newsworld some time... If I remember way back.. that was carried on DirectTV... :mellow:

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Well, that's different from material published in scientific journals on the subject.

If you do a web search for "quasi-fluid layer," you'll find a lot of popular takes on the subject as well.

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what would a hot blade help with skating? when you bake your skates dont they tell you not to skate on hot blades

If I understand it correctly, it's heating the ice to turn it into water more quickly. We don't actually skate on ice, we hydroplane on a very thin layer of water, so heating the ice would quicken the process.

Then what makes harder ice faster? :blink:

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