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broad shin pads/shoulder pads

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I am going to get some new equipment next fall and I am looking for big shin guards that make a very broad shin and shoulder pads that make the shoulders look wide and big.

any suggestions?

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I would recommend RBK 8K shins. I find mine to be very, very broad.

Did I catch your question right?

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Yes i agree. Jofa/RBK shinguards are probably the widest. I use Jofa 9090, some claim them to be a bit "bulky" but i find them very nice and protective.

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I bought a pair of Easton Z-Air shoulder pads a couple of years ago. Very light and comfy, but they make you look like a linebacker. If that's the look you're going for, I would check out Easton. Me, not so much. I already have pretty wide shoulders, and would have been laughed off the ice in my beer league. I sold them right away.

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I've got some TPS BBA shoulder pads which are absolute monsters in the "broad" department. I've never even worn them, as I also have a bigger upper body and I stood in front of the mirror with them on and looked like Optimus Prime.

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Definitely Jofa. I have Easton Z-Airs shins and they are not that bulky compared to Jofa. Same goes with shoulders--Jofa and the Bauer Lightspeed Defender shoulder pads are huge, too.

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For the shoulder pads, the new Vector shoulder pads that are coming out have a broad shoulder profile. I believe there is a a catalogue floating around here somewhere, but it is in Swedish.

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i dunno how available they are, but i think douglas makes shoulder pads that look a lot like football pads. they are VERY wide and VERY well padded

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So you guys would say that with 8K shoulder pads and 8K shin pads I would both get the look of the linebacker with wide shoulders and big shins? Because you know, its all about the looks ;)

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So you guys would say that with 8K shoulder pads and 8K shin pads I would both get the look of the linebacker with wide shoulders and big shins? Because you know, its all about the looks ;)

You will look huge... ;)

Keep in mind that the lower end RBK/JOFA:s are just as big...if you dont want to spend a fortune :)

Good luck!

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