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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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quick question

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i need a new stick and i want to get teh new Dolimite but i heard from some friends that a LHS told them that they arent a very good stick.

has anyone heard anything about them? or does anyone have one already?


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considering there are at least 3 ppl per nhl team that use that stick if not more, I dont think i would say it is a bad stick

I haven't used it personally - but I have used the old inno 1100 and it was a good stick so i wouldnt expect this one to be any different..

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i have one of them and i love it. if youve seen my other posts i have just about every stick under the sun, and i keep going to the dolomite. i find it preforms just as well as a XXX lite with better durability and it has decent feel. just an overal solid stick

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A kid on my team bought one in Detriot a few weeks ago.

When he got back, he was raving about how great the stick was. I asked him if I could see it, he said no it broke on the 3rd day.

Yesterday, another player broke the blade on his Mack Daddy in warm-ups, it lasted him a little longer 3 weeks.

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I keep reading that the dolomite is exactly the same as the 1100 but it feels so different to me..

Probably because all the people who say that they are the same haven't actually used them. I haven't used one myself, so I don't know, but pretty much every post I have read on here from someone who actually HAS a Dolomite says it's different (better) than the old Innos.

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I keep reading that the dolomite is exactly the same as the 1100 but it feels so different to me..

Probably because all the people who say that they are the same haven't actually used them. I haven't used one myself, so I don't know, but pretty much every post I have read on here from someone who actually HAS a Dolomite says it's different (better) than the old Innos.

The blades don't feel as good as the old ones.

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there is no difference between the dolomite and the 1100, other than graphics. i recieved my dolomite shaft today. on the inside top the serial number sticker says "inno 1100". mine is a pro custom so it could be just a repaint and the flex is 255 instead of 100 or 85.

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Your flex is 255? Is that on the same scale of 100, 85, 75, and 50 or some other scale?

That's about 95 on that scale

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