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The crease

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This happened in an NHL (MTL v PHL, tonight on OLN) game, but I'm posting it here because its a general hockey question.

During the shootout one of the MTL players was clearly in the blue piece of ice when he released his shot. He crashed into the goalie and the puck went in.

I thought you weren't allowed to be in that area at all, let alone take a shot and have it count.

What gives?

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Your allowed in the crease, it's perfectly fine, as long as your not impeding the movement of the goalie, your allowed. You can score from the crease as well. You make be thinking of IIHF rules where you cannot stand in the crease for more than about 2-3 seconds and if you do the whistle goes and the face off goes outside.

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Ah! I never really knew the rule (or that other one you mention). I just figured you weren't allowed in there.


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The rule used to exist in the NHL like in the IIHF, but they changed it after the Dallas stars - sabres incident in the stanley cup final. A dallas player skated through the crease, and I forget if his skate was in or out, but then someone scored and dallas won. The rule was then revised.

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The rule used to exist in the NHL like in the IIHF, but they changed it after the Dallas stars - sabres incident in the stanley cup final. A dallas player skated through the crease, and I forget if his skate was in or out, but then someone scored and dallas won. The rule was then revised.

It was Brett Hull, back when he was productive.

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The rule used to exist in the NHL like in the IIHF, but they changed it after the Dallas stars - sabres incident in the stanley cup final. A dallas player skated through the crease, and I forget if his skate was in or out, but then someone scored and dallas won. The rule was then revised.

Cept back then they would disallow it even if you were away from the goalie and only the toe of your skate was in the crease... lame ass rule. I thought that was an issue in one of the frozen four games a couple years back too.

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The goal should have been disallowed because the goalie made the save in front of the goal line and was shoved into the net, plus it was Ribeiro.

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The goal should have been disallowed because the goalie made the save in front of the goal line and was shoved into the net, plus it was Ribeiro.

It was a nice save too. And it was good to see that Nedved wasn't completely stealing a paycheck.

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I don't know how anybody can look at the video and conclude that:

1) Ribeiro didn't run into Esche after releasing his initial shot; and/or

2) Ribeiro didn't get another what at the puck; and/or

3) Ribeiro didn't shove Esche into the net along with the puck.

Plus, Ribeiro's a punk. :D

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I think the ref (was it McGeough?) was in the corner but moving behind the net, and may not have seen Ribeiro's second whack or Esche's initial save. When he finally signalled (emphatically and repeatedly) he was behind the goal-line.

Maybe the back-side ref closing in from the red line was a more junior one and didn't want to over-rule the senior one, but he would have seen the second whack and Ribeiro's interference.

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I don't know how anybody can look at the video and conclude that:

1) Ribeiro didn't run into Esche after releasing his initial shot; and/or

2) Ribeiro didn't get another what at the puck; and/or

3) Ribeiro didn't shove Esche into the net along with the puck.

Plus, Ribeiro's a punk. :D

I couldn't have said it any better, the call was garbage. It's bad enough the on ice official couldn't see it but then the guys in the booth completely blow it too. Esche wasn't too happy, he was still yapping at the official after he stopped the second shooter.

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There was a video review of the play, someone saw it.

Are shootout goals reviewable? I was under the impression that they weren't, but maybe I'm just confused about what is and what isn't reviewable...

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