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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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One Arm Hockey Player

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Had a kid do that over here too, he wanted to fight everyone. And I thought I was cool playing with a broken arm.

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Yeah he really can ... the goalies have a hard time because they watch his "nub" instead of the puck. But his shot is great!

His parents are awesome also !!

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It just shows how much of a whiner we are for complaining about the little things that goes on in our life...We are a lot fortunate but we don't realize it often.

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We have a kid down here in Huntsville, AL who plays with 1 arm as well. Excellent hockey player! Fast, can stickhandle, knows the game...and best of all, he seems like a great kid.

He uses a couple wraps of tape to hold the butt end of the stick to his shorter arm.

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We used to have a kid at my school who was missing everything from the middle of his shin down. He had a prosthetic foot, and half a shin and he played hockey. He played varsity hockey for us. He could skate fine but it does really put things in perspective.

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I saw a biography at Barnes and Noble about this legless teen hockey player who used prosthetic legs. I don't think he was playing at a level near this guy though.

I played open with one of those sled hockey players once. Since no goalies showed up, we had to play the post. That bastard had a pretty accurate shot.

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