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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Synergy SLs

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Ive searched for this and found nothing, but Ive bought 3 synergy sls and on all of them, as usual, the paint chips off on the first shift. Have any of you guys experimented with anything to prevent this from happening?


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one weird kid on my team ad a stealthand to keep the silver at them bottom from chippin he put clear tape on it

and let me tell ya it was crazy and it worked all season!

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Most just stop caring because bigger problems lie...like those snapping.

exactly... heehee (btw: i have a brand new LH SL if anyone wants to buy it lol)

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one weird kid on my team ad a stealthand to keep the silver at them bottom from chippin he put clear tape on it

and let me tell ya it was crazy and it worked all season!

;) well people usually buy the stealth cause of its amazing weight and if you put tape on it to make it look pretty your just giving up the lightness so mine as well go with a reg. synergy from four years ago and save yourself $100.

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one weird kid on my team ad a stealthand to keep the silver at them bottom from chippin he put clear tape on it

and let me tell ya it was crazy and it worked all season!

I tried that a few weeks ago. Diddn't work so well for me. After about two periods of faceoffs and digging along the boards, most of the tape had peeled off. Clear tape peeling off looks just as bad as the paint peeling off IMO.

Actually, SL's look quite cool with all the blue paint gone. I managed to get all of the blue off and still keep the Synergy letters, it looks pretty neat.

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