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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Synergy Skate Prototype?

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i saw some conroy synergie's tonite and they were different to say the least. normally with the synergies the entire boot is smooth and has a composite feel, but these tonite felt cloth like, very similar feel to vapor xxx's etc. were these prototypes or just a different style? they felt exactly like synergies.

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I know Conroy was in Vapor XXX's recently...

Maybe he had Easton make him a pair similar to Vapor XXX's?

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these skates were definetly synergies as they had "synergy" on the back heal and easton along the inside. They had "bio fit" i believe on the foot inserts, anyone heard of that? sorry no pics, i almost bought them, but $250 for used skates that didnt fit perfectly werent worth it for me. BTW they had about 6-7 pairs of vapor XXX's and another pair of regular synergies w/lightspeeds. they ranged from $200-$250 and were all used. also had 2 pairs of G-3's (are these any good)

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My bad, I thought you saw them on TV. If you go to Getty Images and pull up Conroy you'll see that he's wearing Vapor XXX as recently as yesterday.

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Another Graf addict answers a post. I agree good skates but not as much protection as some other brands. I've hardly felt shots off my foot with my Snergy 1300's and their just as light as anything Graf makes. I'll take a high end set of Eastons over Grafs anytime.

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Another Graf addict answers a post. I agree good skates but not as much protection as some other brands. I've hardly felt shots off my foot with my Snergy 1300's and their just as light as anything Graf makes. I'll take a high end set of Eastons over Grafs anytime.

The new ultra5, ultra G5 or whatever they end up calling it is one hell of a skate.

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Another Graf addict answers a post. I agree good skates but not as much protection as some other brands. I've hardly felt shots off my foot with my Snergy 1300's and their just as light as anything Graf makes. I'll take a high end set of Eastons over Grafs anytime.

The new ultra5, ultra G5 or whatever they end up calling it is one hell of a skate.

yeah i love that new lining they have

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Hey guys,I am currently talking to an Easton rep from my area and getting a pair of the 1500 this week hopefully to demo.. As for the ones your talking about on Conroy.If you go to the Kings website,Go to there photo gallery and just search "Conroy" a bunch of photos come up with him in a different looking Synergy. Not that much different in looks though.

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Another Graf addict answers a post. I agree good skates but not as much protection as some other brands. I've hardly felt shots off my foot with my Snergy 1300's and their just as light as anything Graf makes. I'll take a high end set of Eastons over Grafs anytime.

The new ultra5, ultra G5 or whatever they end up calling it is one hell of a skate.

How will the new Graf Ultra5 differ from the G5? I really like the comfort and performance of My G5 skates but they are not very durable compared to the 700 series. Hopefully Graf works out all of the bugs with the new Ultra line of skates.

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My bad, I thought you saw them on TV. If you go to Getty Images and pull up Conroy you'll see that he's wearing Vapor XXX as recently as yesterday.

ya he is wearin vapor xxx's now, they actually had a pair of his last night too. i dont have any images of those synergies sorry.

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