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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Jagr pro curve

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I was wondering the same thing as I used to use his Koho pattern but now that Kohos bought out, once I break this stick Im gonna need a new curve. I see Jagr using the CCM Vector does anyone kno what curve hes using tho?

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I was wondering the same thing as I used to use his Koho pattern but now that Kohos bought out, once I break this stick Im gonna need a new curve. I see Jagr using the CCM Vector does anyone kno what curve hes using tho?

are you using his pro curve pattern or his "off the rack" retail curve?

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Its a nasty toe curve, my buddy has one of his illiegal wood christians from 95 or 96 I believe from a game where he was busted for a illiegal stick against the old Hartford Whalers, if I see him and have my camera I'll snap some pics.

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I was wondering the same thing as I used to use his Koho pattern but now that Kohos bought out, once I break this stick Im gonna need a new curve. I see Jagr using the CCM Vector does anyone kno what curve hes using tho?

His Koho/CCM/Jofa/ pattern is also known as either p38 or p39 (not sure which one right now) so you can look out for those as well.

Edit: I just checked and it is the P38 - pic added as well.


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Jags only has 2 curves actually...illegal and more illegal.

But I did see an Easton UG of his, and it was a square toe, mostly toe curve, I'd say borderline 3/4" (which actually is the limit allowed in Europe according to Sam, JD and Stan Fischler), slightly open at toe. Mid to heel had very little, if any curve to it. I'd say the pic above is pretty darn close to what I saw.

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See the doesnt look that bad to me, what do they judge it on, how open it is, the twist, curve size?

in what sense? they judge it on curve size, the twist and open-ness have nothing to do with it, look at leclairs pro curve it is very open, almost flat

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Ok thanks. I noticed Reebok sells a stick with the P38 curve its a Datsyuk. WHat is the CCM vector that you have shown equivalent to this. I dont just see a P38 curve

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It´s a V90 with a P38 - Jagr curve. I´m not 100% sure but I think the Datsyuk is pretty close to if not the same as that one. I have a 6k blade (one of the made in finland ones) that is a P38 - Datsyuk and on the part of the hosel that goes into into the shaft it says "JAG2" ...so if that means what I think it does they are the same.

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I swore I matched my retail Jagr up with the retail Datysuk and they were nothing alike. Maybe I'll have to try again. I sure hope not, because then I'll have a useless blade laying around.

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I swore I matched my retail Jagr up with the retail Datysuk and they were nothing alike. Maybe I'll have to try again. I sure hope not, because then I'll have a useless blade laying around.

read the thread title, we're talking jagr pro

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well I couldn't tell it seemed like it kept switching back and forth. Now I don't feel as bad.

you generally cant just go to the store and buy a jagr pro curve

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Well, I was pretty much thinking that if the datsyuk retail is out of a mold that is named JAG2 it might be one of Jagr´s several pro curves. I don´t know but the P38 from that V90 picture looks different than the P38 I have on that replacement blade so that´s confusing me a little as well.

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Its a nasty toe curve, my buddy has one of his illiegal wood christians from 95 or 96 I believe from a game where he was busted for a illiegal stick against the old Hartford Whalers, if I see him and have my camera I'll snap some pics.

no way. i was at that game. he scored coming out of the box in ot with another illegal stick to win thegame - blew pierre mcguire (retard whaler coach who thought it was a good idea to check his stick in ot - as he was jagrs former coach) a kiss and waved his stick at him on the way off the ice.

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The CCM P39 is a huge toe curve, looks alot more similar to the Pro Jagr than the P38 (Datsuyk)

Can't find any pictures of it though. Just seen a coulpe of guys around here in ball-hockey leagues use it.

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