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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shot Off The Foot

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Last nite I took a shot off the inside of my foot (that boney part below the ankle). Hurt at first, but by the end of that shift I skated it off. Completely forgot about it the rest of the game. After the game took off my skate & it felt a little funny, I remembered the hit & had to poke around to find the spot. No bruise or swelling. Went home, It hurt a little so i put ice on it (1/2 hour) & went to bed. Woke up 1 hour later in agony & was up the rest of the nite. Today I cant walk on it. Still not swolen.

Any idea what to do, or how long this might take?

Sorry for the rambling, I did a search but could only find ankle stuff.

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I took a slapper off the exact spot you are mentioning a little while ago. I babied it for about a day and a half, ice/heat/rest etc. etc. Then I started walking, lifting, runnning, playing basketball, just to start working it. All in all it took about 4-5 days for me to feel 80-90% on that ankle and I was playing again by the next week. I know what you mean, when there's no bruise or swelling, you feel like a weiner, but it hurts like hell.

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I took a slapper off the exact spot you are mentioning a little while ago. I babied it for about a day and a half, ice/heat/rest etc. etc. Then I started walking, lifting, runnning, playing basketball, just to start working it. All in all it took about 4-5 days for me to feel 80-90% on that ankle and I was playing again by the next week. I know what you mean, when there's no bruise or swelling, you feel like a weiner, but it hurts like hell.

That's reassuring.

My doctor doesn't have hours on fridays & I don't want to do the E.R. thing.

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It's probably just a bone bruise? Does it give off heat?

Do the regular RICE method.





I took three shots in a row off the similar spot on my foot during a PK. I dropped liike a sack of bricks, but got up and cleared the puck and went to the bench.

The next day it swelled up the size of a tennis ball and I just iced it between the games we had the next day.

As long as you ice it, it should be okay. If you get shooting pains in your foot or that you get shooting pains up your leg, GO TO A DOCTOR. Then you probably have a fracture in it!

But other than that, take it easy, ice and good luck.

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It's probably just a bone bruise?  Does it give off heat? 

Do the regular RICE method. 





I took three shots in a row off the similar spot on my foot during a PK.  I dropped liike a sack of bricks, but got up and cleared the puck and went to the bench. 

The next day it swelled up the size of a tennis ball and I just iced it between the games we had the next day.

As long as you ice it, it should be okay.  If you get shooting pains in your foot or that you get shooting pains up your leg, GO TO A DOCTOR.  Then you probably have a fracture in it!

But other than that, take it easy, ice and good luck.

Doesn't seem to be hot, but it's a little swollen on top - opposite the side it was hit on. No shooting pain. I cant imagine anything's broke.

Already seem to be getting better; I'm able to put a little weight on it hobbling around the house.

hyprlte, what did the doc say?

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yeah, for me walknig around the house was a pain, but my xbox was my best doctor, my feelings are if i couldn't walk on it, then i broke it, i was skating a little after i got hit, and walked on it a little later that night. If you're just a little hobbly i would do what i suggested, ice/heat and slowly keep adding some pressure to it. I find if i baby my injuries they seem to take longer to heal.

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I would be careful. That part of your foot is like a jigsaw puzzle.. lots of stuff can shift, break etc.

If it bruises, I would worry about a fracture.. if not, you might have just bruised the bone.

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i took a shot to the inside part of my foot 2 weeks ago. no bruising either. i had a basketball game the next day and it hurt to tie my shoes. but after a week it seems to be pretty much normal. a little pain if i push on it, but i think it's just a bone bruise.

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that happened to me but i took right on top of the skate where the laces are

i blocked the shot and went down a breakaway and it didnt hurt at all during that but once i got my shot off it killed and i had to limp back to the bench

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always good to be cautious..but around the ankle can be tricky...woke up at NARCh a few years ago after rolling my ankle and couldn't walk..popped about 3-4 advil and a ton of water and was walking within an hour...

if its bruised and not swollen..nowadays its MICE (movement (ie light stretching) ice compress, elevate)

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Much better today, my son had a tournament, I was able to get around the rink pretty well.

Thanks to you guys, I was able to talk my wife out of making me go for x-rays.

Saved me from many hours of waiting room torture, & a co-pay big enough to buy a new shaft. :lol:

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