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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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ovechkins curve

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does any body know what ovechkins curve looks like and if it is close to any stock curve from any of the major companies such as easton, bauer, ccm(why dont they just have one of his curves, they could make so much money$$), or tps.

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fairly close to Sakic is what I was told by someone from the Caps

chadd is there going to be an ovechkin retail and is it going to be a sakic clone or is there already a sakic clone on CCM?

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I have no idea what CCM has planned but it does seem likely that they would utilize the fact he is under contract with them. I don't think they expected him to have as much success so soon.

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I think we had this topic a couple times already but when he played the WJC he used a V110 with a european P19 retail curve. That one is pretty much a Sakic clone just with a little different toe shape. He also used retail grip synergies at a time which were sakic retails so I´m pretty sure he tinkered a little with what he used previously and made his custom V130 close to a Sakic retail then.

As for an Onvechkin retail....I think someone on here said it should be CCM´s drury clone....can´t rember who said that nor the thread, though.

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i went to my LHS yesterday and i saw ovechkin rertail curves, they were tapered blades, and the curve was kinda a mix of a drury and a sakic, i bought it and im going to tyr it out tomorrow, ill let u guys know what it is like.

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I saw a bunch of new curves from ccm on their 10.0. Lemieux is sort of similar to sakic, steen is a modano and the ovechkin's i saw looked like heels.

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Kind of unrelated but with new curves, especially the Oveckkin, there should be an inrease of CCM OPS at the amateur level assuming they are readily available.

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Isn't it true that most of these players curves are not the same as what the players really use?? They are just the players name put on curves that are kinda like what they really use. Is it possable to get real prostock blades from CCM??

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Isn't it true that most of these players curves are not the same as what the players really use?? They are just the players name put on curves that are kinda like what they really use. Is it possable to get real prostock blades from CCM??

Yes, the retail patterns of a player's name are rarely--if ever--the same pattern they use. I would say that Pronger and Lecavalier are the closest I've seen when you compare pro/retail.

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Isn't it true that most of these players curves are not the same as what the players really use?? They are just the players name put on curves that are kinda like what they really use.  Is it possable to get real prostock blades from CCM??

Yes, the retail patterns of a player's name are rarely--if ever--the same pattern they use. I would say that Pronger and Lecavalier are the closest I've seen when you compare pro/retail.


The only guys that used to have pro=retail were the really old Christian patterns back around 1990 before they renamed them after the Team´s cities and later on numeric.

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Those ones, the Eastons from the same time and if I had to guess, so were the first Koho Revolutions. I'd hope that can be verified but I've always thought those Kohos (Sundin, Housley, Stevens, Robitaille, Kurri, etc.) were based on the actual patterns.

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Those ones, the Eastons from the same time and if I had to guess, so were the first Koho Revolutions.  I'd hope that can be verified but I've always thought those Kohos (Sundin, Housley, Stevens, Robitaille, Kurri, etc.) were based on the actual patterns.

Not sure about the Koho´s. The Ciccarelli was great, though I think it came a little later than those you named;) As far as the old Easton´s I don´t know. They had Miller, Janney, Hull, Suter, etc. That the time you mean? The Hull was basically all flat. Well most of those Eastons were pretty much flatties if I remember right.

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Some of the Hespeler comp stuff was based on pro curves, just not always the same player as the name on the stick.

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Those ones, the Eastons from the same time and if I had to guess, so were the first Koho Revolutions.  I'd hope that can be verified but I've always thought those Kohos (Sundin, Housley, Stevens, Robitaille, Kurri, etc.) were based on the actual patterns.

Not sure about the Koho´s. The Ciccarelli was great, though I think it came a little later than those you named;) As far as the old Easton´s I don´t know. They had Miller, Janney, Hull, Suter, etc. That the time you mean? The Hull was basically all flat. Well most of those Eastons were pretty much flatties if I remember right.

Pretty much, except the Millers were absolute bananas. Hull was slight, Roenick was slight and the Granato had a nice little heel going on it. They also had an Amonte, which was almost like the old TPS Hull.

I'm curious what current retail patterns are based off actual pro patterns and whose they are. I'd like to see what player would use that disgusting Yzerman/Gaborik.

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Those ones, the Eastons from the same time and if I had to guess, so were the first Koho Revolutions.  I'd hope that can be verified but I've always thought those Kohos (Sundin, Housley, Stevens, Robitaille, Kurri, etc.) were based on the actual patterns.

Not sure about the Koho´s. The Ciccarelli was great, though I think it came a little later than those you named;) As far as the old Easton´s I don´t know. They had Miller, Janney, Hull, Suter, etc. That the time you mean? The Hull was basically all flat. Well most of those Eastons were pretty much flatties if I remember right.

Pretty much, except the Millers were absolute bananas. Hull was slight, Roenick was slight and the Granato had a nice little heel going on it. They also had an Amonte, which was almost like the old TPS Hull.

I'm curious what current retail patterns are based off actual pro patterns and whose they are. I'd like to see what player would use that disgusting Yzerman/Gaborik.

I'm not a pro but i use it :D

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Gionta changed it? He used to have what looked like almost a mirrored Prospal but smaller with a fat, Lidstrom-ish blade.

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