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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer Blade shortage

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I just heard from two shops that Bauer is all out of replacement lightspeed 2 blades. It is very hard to get the perforated ones, and impossible to get the non-perforated. What gives? If you Pay $500 for skates, you might want some customer support!

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yeah and cause bauers making 3 different blades this year that have replaceable runners so its abit hard for them too keep up to pace with the demand for them

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Strange that this happens to Bauer Nike products, bad quality maybe

Cool to pay 500 Dollars for one pair of skates and not be able to get spare parts, glad we have other hockey companies,

This will last as long as customers accept this, big problem for pro shops to serve their customers after the sale,not my style of making money!

But keep on buying this products, why not at least try something new next time you need skates, this can be a major step to making new experience, look at skate from Mission, Tour, CCm, Reebok our KOr and Graf, please try!

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I am all set. A good guy I know pulled a set off of some new skates he had and sold me those. It really pays to frequent your LHS!

BTW, if you ever need new skates, or especially any skate repair, Total Sports Repair in Salem NH is THE place to go!

And now they are conveniently located next to Two Guys smoke shop, so you can pick up some stogies at the same time!

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And now they are conveniently located next to Two Guys smoke shop, so you can pick up some stogies at the same time!

See if you think that is good, wait til you hear my concept for a store. There'll be two stick rooms :)

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And now they are conveniently located next to Two Guys smoke shop, so you can pick up some stogies at the same time!

See if you think that is good, wait til you hear my concept for a store. There'll be two stick rooms :)

lol...... B)

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In late season the warehouses are usually empty, waiting for next year production models to be produced. Nothing out of the ordinary. However, when it comes to replacement parts, like steel, those companies who have a higher demand because of poorer quality and frankly, ... a bigger failure rate, .. will tend to show a greater shortage. For example, I replaced three broken steel blades today, none of them CCM. In fact, zero broken blades replaced last week were CCM's. Get the picture???

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Funny. Nobody could not get a CCM product until August last year, and when they did, the whse usually screwed it up.

I should show you the pic of what CCM sent my old store in Orlando last year.

Stop the hate, seriously...

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Funny. Nobody could not get a CCM product until August last year, and when they did, the whse usually screwed it up.

I should show you the pic of what CCM sent my old store in Orlando last year.

Stop the hate, seriously...

yeah thc/rbk are really doing a lot with our shop so we bring more of there stuff in

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