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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Tacks and Vectors

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if you had the choice between 492's and Vector 4's, which would you go with? I was adament about getting the 492s, but they wont have the skate in my size for about a fortnight. So i tried on the vector 4s as well which were actually very nice, but Im not sure if I should wait 2 weeks for the 492s or purchase the Vectors because I dont know what either are like on the ice


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I hear and read a lot of good things about vector, but I have only ever had 2 pairs of skates in my life, a pair of 252 tacks and my current 852 tacks, so I am biased toward them, as I love their fit.

Becuase I have only worn tacks I don't know what else is that good. I tried on a few pairs when I bought my first pair, and the tacks fitted best, so its all I know.

Tacks gets my vote

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nah I cant upgrade, I dont really want to spend that much given these are my first pair of skates

im just not entirely sure what the differences are between the tacks and vectors, apart from the look and the material, is there anything else that needs to be taken into consideration?

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Depends on your foot shape. Vectors are a bit narrower in the heel and wider in the mid foot. Tacks are just wide everywhere.

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Have you tried them both on? I found the vector to be FAR too tight on my instep and midfoot area. My 952 tacks I ended up punching on my right foot, but besides that the fit was excellent and I loved the heel lock. Do the tacks have the PL3 holder or the Epro holder? I have the PL3 and truth be told I don't really like it, but its not a deal breaker.

As for performance, I have to say that I really enjoy the feel of my tacks. I came from a Bauer Vapor 5, which is similiar to the Vector 3, and I honestly like the way the Tacks feel on the ice better. I feel like I'm much closer to the ice; like I'm not wearing skates and the blades are just attached to my feet.

My advice would be to try them both on, and go with whichever skates feel better. Ignore the weight, looks, etc., and just go with what feels right for you.

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Not sure if there is much a difference between 452-652 and Vector 4.0-6.0, but i've used the 652 and Vector 6.0, and I absolutely loved them. I'm using RbK 5K pumps now and couldn't be happier.

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ok, i am not busting anyone's chops here, but lately i've noticed and i am getting a beef with the "how does a skate fit thread" for a few reasons... 1. is the whole using your LHS as an internet fitting room for the obvious reasons...2. is the fact, even if you take a picture or write a very detailed description of your foot, how are strangers supposed to know your foot type over the internet?...3. read up a little on here and use the search button, i know its not the easiest feature, but it works well...4. common sense, do you think that CCM/Bauer would make two lines of skates that fit the exact same just so people can choose what they look like or do you think in the grand scheme of things they would make different models/lines fit different so more people can buy their skates? interesting hmmm...5. i know they are few and far between, but the whole which skate should i get, the vapor xxx or 8090, i know theyre both top of line but which one looks better and would you choose so i can base my decision off that chaps me too.....sorry for the rant if you dont have a LHS, but im not sorry if you use your LHS for fitting purposes only, and also dont gripe if you have a LHS and just buy something off the net on a guess sizing and have to mail it back

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ok, i am not busting anyone's chops here, but lately i've noticed and i am getting a beef with the "how does a skate fit thread" for a few reasons... 1. is the whole using your LHS as an internet fitting room for the obvious reasons...2. is the fact, even if you take a picture or write a very detailed description of your foot, how are strangers supposed to know your foot type over the internet?...3. read up a little on here and use the search button, i know its not the easiest feature, but it works well...4. common sense, do you think that CCM/Bauer would make two lines of skates that fit the exact same just so people can choose what they look like or do you think in the grand scheme of things they would make different models/lines fit different so more people can buy their skates? interesting hmmm...5. i know they are few and far between, but the whole which skate should i get, the vapor xxx or 8090, i know theyre both top of line but which one looks better and would you choose so i can base my decision off that chaps me too.....sorry for the rant if you dont have a LHS, but im not sorry if you use your LHS for fitting purposes only, and also dont gripe if you have a LHS and just buy something off the net on a guess sizing and have to mail it back


I am tired of e-tailers alltogether.. I guess its not really their fault, but im tired of asshats going to LHS's and trying on their gear/sticks/gloves but not buying it because they are getting "really good deals" online + $50 shipping...

I abso-f**king-lutly love it when I see threads about pissed off people who ordered their items off of e-tailers and they dont fit right, their stick breaks and they are left in the dust about warrenty, get RMA'ed 2nd hand goods, recieve scratched and dented goods, poor fitting goods or just get shafted from shipping..

All I can do is smile when I see threads with lines like these..

"Will it help my skate fit better if I bake my skates when they are 2 sizes too big?"

"I just spent $175 on my Eagles and they dont fit"

"I just broke my XXX lite.. what can I do to get a replacement?"

"I called hockeygiant and they said they couldnt do anything".

"I got my skates today and I got 2 different runners.. ones perf steel and the other isnt".

All the while they could have solved all of these problems by going to their LHS, talking to somebody who knows what they are talking about.. not some webpage called "e-coach" that has a genreral fitting guide that is the same for vapers and tacks, and touching, trying on and feeling how the gear feels on them/to them before they purchase it.

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ok, i am not busting anyone's chops here, but lately i've noticed and i am getting a beef with the "how does a skate fit thread" for a few reasons... 1. is the whole using your LHS as an internet fitting room for the obvious reasons...2. is the fact, even if you take a picture or write a very detailed description of your foot, how are strangers supposed to know your foot type over the internet?...3. read up a little on here and use the search button, i know its not the easiest feature, but it works well...4. common sense, do you think that CCM/Bauer would make two lines of skates that fit the exact same just so people can choose what they look like or do you think in the grand scheme of things they would make different models/lines fit different so more people can buy their skates? interesting hmmm...5. i know they are few and far between, but the whole which skate should i get, the vapor xxx or 8090, i know theyre both top of line but which one looks better and would you choose so i can base my decision off that chaps me too.....sorry for the rant if you dont have a LHS, but im not sorry if you use your LHS for fitting purposes only, and also dont gripe if you have a LHS and just buy something off the net on a guess sizing and have to mail it back

Clap....clap....clap..clap..clap.clap. :) You are right on.

Yea, I see MSH just turning into a online shopping tool. Just look at some of the recent posts.

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ok, i am not busting anyone's chops here, but lately i've noticed and i am getting a beef with the "how does a skate fit thread" for a few reasons... 1. is the whole using your LHS as an internet fitting room for the obvious reasons...2. is the fact, even if you take a picture or write a very detailed description of your foot, how are strangers supposed to know your foot type over the internet?...3. read up a little on here and use the search button, i know its not the easiest feature, but it works well...4. common sense, do you think that CCM/Bauer would make two lines of skates that fit the exact same just so people can choose what they look like or do you think in the grand scheme of things they would make different models/lines fit different so more people can buy their skates? interesting hmmm...5. i know they are few and far between, but the whole which skate should i get, the vapor xxx or 8090, i know theyre both top of line but which one looks better and would you choose so i can base my decision off that chaps me too.....sorry for the rant if you dont have a LHS, but im not sorry if you use your LHS for fitting purposes only, and also dont gripe if you have a LHS and just buy something off the net on a guess sizing and have to mail it back

Clap....clap....clap..clap..clap.clap. :) You are right on.

Yea, I see MSH just turning into a online shopping tool. Just look at some of the recent posts.

Exactly.. MSH should get a cut in the cash for being the hockeymonkey/hockeygiant shop keeper..

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nah I cant upgrade, I dont really want to spend that much given these are my first pair of skates

im just not entirely sure what the differences are between the tacks and vectors, apart from the look and the material, is there anything else that needs to be taken into consideration?

You will get last years 852:s for less money then this years 492:s. A much better deal i.m.h.o :)

CCM 852 Super Tacks

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I can sympathize with you owners and guys that work at lhs’s. I have a business that carry’s products that are also sold over the internet and I am listed on some manufactures websites as the only dealer in my area. What makes it even more fun for me is that I am in Canada and these products come in from the US.

Usually someone will have found that I am dealer for a specific product that they are looking for online and I get a call or visit to my store. They ask for price and begin to tell me how they saw it online for $xxx and that I should match the price. I begin to explain that I have this in stock and the price factors in shipping, duties, taxes, brokerage and exchange rates. I continue to explain that should they have a warranty or are missing pieces they would have to deal with the merchant online. The reply that I normally get is I have buddy in Bellingham and I can ship it there and bring it across myself and not pay taxes, duties and brokerage on the stuff (I am in Vancouver and it is about a 45 min Bellingham plus border wait times). I usually laugh and answer that I didn’t know that Bellingham was that big, seems like everyone knows someone there (Bellingham is small border town). Then they continue with how I have to warranty or get them the missing pieces because I am a dealer. I laugh again and say you didn’t buy it from me. This usually leads to a click or them walking out of my store.

I guess I need to work on my customer relation skills more.

Sorry for the rant but this online shopping stuff also strikes a nerve with me

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