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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Odd stick

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It's likely either a painted over wood stick, or a shaft w/ wood blade in it, once again painted over.

We've seen a handful of them, but thats the first Spezza I've seen.

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yah but its looks exactly like the one peice the same colors and stickers and everything

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yah but its looks exactly like the one peice the same colors and stickers and everything

Yup, like I said, there's been a few of them floating around. I think Ponty might have had one.

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wouldnt surprise me if it was all wood, since spezza uses wood, wouldn't those kind of sticks just be more for marketing. since all the little kids will want a vector cause they think spezza uses one.

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yah thats a pretty good way of looking at it, cuz its a good inovation too they could come out with some of those on retail some ppl might like the composite/wood combination might go big, or might not even sell depends on how there made and stuff

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aren't those called Vector 115's?

I think so, or the V115 is the V110, just Pro-Stock and with grip.

I think Hinote's said V115 but I've also had some 110's with grip that were called 115s.

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interesting stick for sure...

The blade doesn't look like his pattern though (although it is hard to tell from the pics), I have seen a couple of his sticks (had them in my hand...still kicking myself for not buying one :ph34r: ) and he has a real big hook on the toe as you can well imagine with all the drags that he does. The butt end looks like his stick for sure.

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it doesnt look fused, too sure you can see a slight paint darkness but thats still pretty cool

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