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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Keeping the puck flat

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This is getting really frustrating. Everytime I get the puck and start stickhandling, the puck bounces EVERYWHERE and can't seem to keep it flat. Everybody else seems to keep it flat so the ice can't be an issue.

I stickhandle at the middle of the blade, where the curve is. I usually cup the puck when stickhandling.

Any suggestions?

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You talking about a rolling puck? If so that just takes some practice gettting it back to flat while skating. Yeah it sucks when that happens in a game you finaly get a brekout goin and then it starts rolling and you have to put your head down.

Only suggestoin I can give you is practice it at practice, get it to start rolling and just learn to bring it down, then start skating and do it.

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Make sure you curl your wrists so your blade is more like 45 degrees instead of 90. In other words, when the puck is on the front of your blade, your blade should be angled forward and vice versa.

Also, blades with less curves are easier to stick handle with.

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oh you can try swedish stickhandleing like forsberg does and jagr

their stick never leaves the ice they make small circles around the puck

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oh you can try swedish stickhandleing like forsberg does and jagr

their stick never leaves the ice they make small circles around the puck

Really? Wow...just when you think you know everything :lol:

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Try having the blade at more of an angle over the puck, covering it, with a twist of your top hand, it will stop the puck from lifting and then loosing control.

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One (obvious) thing to remember if the puck is bouncing all over the place when you pass is to put a little spin on the puck--that keeps it on the ice better and is easier to catch.

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Try having the blade at more of an angle over the puck, covering it, with a twist of your top hand, it will stop the puck from lifting and then loosing control.

Bingo. If you stickhandle with your blade open, the puck will always go up. Keep your backhand flat too.

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