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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Club Soccer Jerseys

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yeah not game used but better quality i have a Man U Real Madrid and Ireland national jersey that are authentic and they are better tthan the Man U one i had before which wasnt authentic

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CAREFUL of the ones from Malaysia/Thailand etc...You get burned a lot when the shirt in the picture is NOT the one you ordered....some of the forgeries I've gotten are sooo bad... Grammar and spelling are generally big clues. Sometimes savvy sellers have said the item is located in the United States when it actually ships from Asia. Looks like this particular seller is selling fakes. See how the stars on the Juventus shirt are misaligned? And Nike shirts don't have any kind of tag on the back of the neck...they're down towards the hem.

I've taken to either buying shirts from stores in person or going through whomever the club's sponsor is.

Replica also is a little tricky, since different mfgrs. have different ideas as to what replica means. Nike replicas are usually the exact same kit, minus lettering/numbering. The Umbro replicas are the same way. I have a replica Canada kit from Adidas that's what the team wore during the Olympics.

Good luck!


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I have a few, Ireland (signed by packie bonnar) Celtic (signed by paul mcstay) and Liverpool (signed by Ian Rush). They don't get worn in public, but my others (Ireland, celtic away jersey the yellow borussia looking one from a few years ago, and my old liverpool crown paints one) are all authentic. I get them when I am back home in Ireland though, cheaper than here too, and I am home 2 -3 times a year, haven't got any in the last few years, but I will pick one up this year, even though we didn't get to the world cup, I need a new Irish jersey

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