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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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swedish sickhandling

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I saw the following in another thread and didn't want to highjack it.

oh you can try swedish stickhandleing like forsberg does and jagr

their stick never leaves the ice they make small circles around the puck

I tried google but only got results related the swedish stick handling ball.

Any info or links to the technique?


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a ton of guys do it during warmups... if you ever get to a game for warmups, notice what the guys are doing away from the "action". when they are in line, or just off doing their own thing. ive seen sakic do it, along with fedorov, kovalev, kovalchuk, etc etc. its not always their stick "never leaves the ice" but they obviously spin the puck arround quickly, picking their stick up a little bit. try immagining making the puck spin arround really fast... other than that its kinda hard to explain.. sorry.

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No suggestions on technique, but you might want to reread your topic title.

I guess it kinda fits, just, because you can use the swedish stickhandling ball to practice this technique, golf balls too.

I think the quote refers to just simply circular stick handling. Two ways to do it.

1. push away with the backhand toe, pull back with forehand heel- in a circular motion.

2. push away forehand toe, pull back backhand heel- circular motion again.

obvioulsy you can flip them and start at either stage, but they are the points of contact you are looking to make.

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Is this technique spinning the puck? I’ve seen guys doing this and never knew what it was for.

yeah just spinning it on the spot. helps to improve dexterity and touch, good warm up before a game whilst you wait in line for the drills.

If you can get it going while you approach in a one on one situation you may find you have a little more control.

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Is this technique spinning the puck? I’ve seen guys doing this and never knew what it was for.

I do this thing all the time for fun. I never realized it was supposed to make me better...because it hasn't.

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