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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Short hosel standard blades?

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After a quick serch (and finding nothing) I was wondering if anyone knows who offers short standard hosel composite blades? I have a RH KP (I think it is) and it is awesome, I want something either the same, very close or a Modano curve? Does anyone know who makes them and even better where to get them from?

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yeah I am talking like comparable to the CCM short hosel blades, does anyone know if the Reebok blades have a similar height hosel?? What is the height of the CCM hosel??

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I'm not sure if it's the same as the retail, but I just got a pro return Mission L2 blade that's a good 1/2 inch shorter in the hosel than my Inno tapered blades.

Edit: Now that I've actually read the thread title, I see that it says standard blades. Sorry, disregard.

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nike do a comp blade which is quite short, the nike quest apollo, its not tapered short, but definately shorter than my z-carbons. They have it on hockeymonkey

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