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How to get custom OPS?

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With all this talk about custom sticks; Would I be abble to order from Warrior some sticks with the old Mogo pattern? What do you think something like that would run me?

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With all this talk about custom sticks; Would I be abble to order from Warrior some sticks with the old Mogo pattern? What do you think something like that would run me?


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I thought thats what it was,but wasnt certain.Anyways either the Robitaille or Weight replaced the mogilny.

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What I mean by this is that sometimes you get so use to a pattern your shot gets "flat." Going to a new pattern / learning it has you pay a bit more attention to your shot style / follow-through.

Plus, It's fun trying new curves :D

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Either the Robitaille or Weight replaced the mogilny.

Yes they did replace it but it is not the same curv pattern.

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This whole concept is why I got into pro return sticks to begin with.

You think retail patterns are bad now? Oh my go back to the mid 80's with the crap they had then!

Short answer there are many places to get pro return sticks so unless you are a pro thats probably your best bet. The argument against this is that you wont be able to get a pro pattern you like for the long haul. True but I also believe its good to change your pattern from time-to-time as it keeps your shot honest. What I mean by this is that sometimes you get so use to a pattern your shot gets "flat." Going to a new pattern / learning it has you pay a bit more attention to your shot style / follow-through.

Thats the way it works for me anyhow.

I'm the same way, plus searching for specific Pro Returns is almost like a hobby.

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Your joke making abilities must of been a part of that deal to eh? haha

There's no joke here but you, white boy.

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any company will do custom sticks the curve you want stiffness and your name in bundles of six you just have to deal with the sales men when they are in your hockey retailer ask them when the company you want will be in and they will do it and it isn't expensive at all i have priced every company and went with bauer vapour xxx red with silver 112 flex with a drury type curve

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mia does do custom ops's and they have to be ordered 4 at a time at $255 a stick.

cnd or usd?

That is U.S.

This price is for initial orders only(includes tooling), Repeat orders are at regular price.

You can also choose your:

colors (white, black, red, blue)

weight (485g, 435g)


type (regular concave or rounded)(grip or not grip)



Stiffness(soft,regular,stiff, x-stiff)

Just like the pro's!

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mia does do custom ops's and they have to be ordered 4 at a time at $255 a stick.

cnd or usd?

That is U.S.

This price is for initial orders only(includes tooling), Repeat orders are at regular price.

You can also choose your:

colors (white, black, red, blue)

weight (485g, 435g)


type (regular concave or rounded)(grip or not grip)



Stiffness(soft,regular,stiff, x-stiff)

Just like the pro's!

whats the flex like on the soft?

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