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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Pro Stock Nylon Oakley Mace gloves....

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what team are they from?

Try it now. I think the gloves were for Weinrich when he was in Philly (the second time around).

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Terrible gloves, nobody bid on them, but i will just for safe keeping huh :D

No really i love those gloves, would actually bid on them is he stated a size!

I already have a normal pair which are on there last legs so if they were a good size would be a nice replacement

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Try it now. I think the gloves were for Weinrich when he was in Philly (the second time around).

Weinrich was on in Philly once dude. 01-02 until 03-04 until he got set to the Blues.

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Is Oakley out of the hockey market now? If so why? How successful were their gloves?

i iam at the moment using a pair of oakley gloves, they are they best gloves i have ever had, love em to death, i should have picked up a second pair when they had them in stock at hockey monkey.

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Oakley had shown a pair of nylon gloves but I never saw them at retail, they were much lighter than the synthetic leather model they had and were supposed to be lower priced but still the Mace...

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He is a fast shipper- I won a pair of Donald Brashier CCM nylon gloves gloves on Monday and will be here tomorrow. Do you guys remember the Hanzues Easton gloves someone posted a while ago? This guy sold like 4 pairs, I wonder if he has ties with the Flyers somehow.

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