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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Protein Help

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I have a few questions. First, it seems that high protein foods have a lot of calories. What ones dont have a lot of calories. Second, it is reccomended that you consuime 1 gram of protein for every lb you weigh. Now if I do this, I would be consuming a lot of calories correct? I just dont want to get all of the protein I need and end up being fat.

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Get a protein shake. 21g protein with 117 calories in the one that I drink. 8 servings is almost 1g protein per pound for me, 936 calories total.

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As long as you are working out, the calories that you are consuming with protein will be burned and the protein will turn into muscle mass. Its when you are taking in that much protein and doing nothing is when the protein breaks down and turns into fat.

My recco: Isopure protein drinks, 40 Grams per serving, but a little pricy. You can also grab the powder mixes. A lot cheaper per serving, and you can split them up during the day. usually 20-25 grams per serving, easy to split 2 or 3 up during the day and before you know your prob doubling the protein intake you were at before.

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No no, no. That is way too much Kovy. What ideally you want is to add to the protein you eat in whole food throughout the day.

Eat a breakfast, have a shake few hours later, then lunch then try to work out and have a shake after, then dinner and perhaps a bit of protein before bed. You want to eat every 2-3 hours.

As for calories, every single gram of protein or carbs both have 4 calories each, fat has 9 calories per gram. You're young, growing and tryin to do it faster. Don't worry about the amount of calories, just the quality.

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So your saying I should have around 5 shakes a day if they have 25g's?

no, because by the end of the first week you will be so sick and full of the shakes.

As long as your working out and skating regulary, I wouldn't be terribly concerned about taking in too much calories. Overall you need calories for energy. You will burn them off just as fast as your are taking them in.

Also another good alternative is fish. If you like fish that is. You can get the packets of albacore tuna. eating those is an easy 20-30 grams per serving. Eat it dry and you won't worry about extra calories either.

I agree with analog as well, fitting 2 shakes a day should be plenty balanced out with regular meals

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get grow or metabolic drive from the store there... head and shoulders above other protiens and MRP's I've tried.

and if you want to gain weight... then EAT. I don't want to hear you whining about calories! Unless you want to look like this:

this guy didn't get enough protien and caloric intake to be huge!

by "head and shoulders above" do you mean in taste?

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get grow or metabolic drive from the store there... head and shoulders above other protiens and MRP's I've tried.

and if you want to gain weight... then EAT. I don't want to hear you whining about calories! Unless you want to look like this:

this guy didn't get enough protien and caloric intake to be huge!

by "head and shoulders above" do you mean in taste?

It tastes good, but they're also smart in the carbs/protein they put in. My metabolic drive in chocolate smells like cocoa puffs!

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its not that easy....you just cant eat and gain weight. I eat a lot and dont gain much

Well if you eat more than you consume, you gain weight. I've seen many claiming (including myself) that they eat a lot when they really weren't eating enough for plus calories.

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You are constantly digesting and feeding the engine Kovy. You eat 25 grams or so every meal 6 times a day... constantly supplying yourself, not just big meals a few times, smaller ones more often.

What they are saying is that you can't take in huge amounts at one single meal. So your 150 grams a day is spread out over the entire day. As a young guy who's active, don't be concerned about gaining weight. You will struggle to anyway. So forget about calories, just be concerned with the quality, thats it.

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your body has it's on homeostatic size, and it's difficult to either gain weight or lose weight unless you really work at it. for when you eat protein, ideally, you should eat after you work out, about an hour after. it's actually been found that chocolate milk has the best (without going into really scientific supplements) combination of carbs to protein for after a workout to help your muscles build and recover. if you don't want to get fat, avoid eating starchy foods before you go to sleep and avoid big meals etc.

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Here are the three steps to get bigger:

1) Eat

2) Eat

3) Repeat

If you're not getting bigger, eat more. The t-nation website has a lot of good stuff if you're looking to gain weight, look up Berardi's "Massive Eating" article.

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I must agree too. Nutrtion is 80% or more of getting big. You think you eat alot, but you may have no idea. Aim for anywhere from 3000-5000 calories per day with 1 g of protein for every lb of body fat. Eat good fats (salmon, avocados, and natural peanut butter), protein, and the rest carbs. Carbs as in vegetables, fruits, and dietary fiber. I dont know how to stress it enough how important diet is. Remember that protein shakes are supplements and only supplemts, not meal replacements. Your diet will make your break you.

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it's actually been found that chocolate milk has the best (without going into really scientific supplements) combination of carbs to protein for after a workout to help your muscles build and recover.

So I guess my glass of Ovaltine/skim milk after the workout actually serves a purpose other than tasting good, eh? :P

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I wouldn't try to drink any more then one shake, or maybe 1.5 a day. If for no other reason then it will get expensive fast, but personaly i feel you should try to get as much protien as you can from your daily diet. Take one scoop with your breakfast, and two scoops after your work out.

definatly right about trying to eat 6 or so times a day, it makes it alot easier to get the protien you need. Grilled chicken and fish, turkey sandwiches, ham sandwiches, tuna ect are all good sources of protien. Drink milk with all your meals. dont eat white bread.

alot of people think their diets are fine and get frustrated when they lift and dont see any changes. But most of the time, if you sit down and actually figure out what your diet looks like, and compare it to your body type and exercise routien, you find out its way off.

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I am a bodybuilder and protein supplement is an important part of my life. But you must undertsand that there are many types of protein supplements. They are mainly Whey, Casein, MRPs(meal replacement) and Mass gainers. Whey protein are the most commonly used BUT to build muscles, your body needs carbs. drinking whey alone may not help pack on the mass. Try is with some bananas. Casein are slow digesting protein which I take before I go to bed and it slays in your stomach for the whole night, preventing muscle breakdown. This type of protein are used only by hard-core bodybuilders I believe. MRPs are for those people who just can't find healthy food for like lunch. These products contain protein and crabs and is good enough to substitute a meal. ( trust me i take this everyday). Mass gainers are for those who want to pack on mass and are used after workout at the gym. ( drinking this without working out is not reccomended). so I think what you need is a mass gainer after you work out if you are looking for mass. take some whey protein shakes as well just to keep your nitrogen balance so your muscles will always have protein supply.

A good mass gainer is Prolab's N-Large 2 ( its the best IMO).

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