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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Warrior Mac daddy

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HI, does anyone have a mac daddy? Because i want to buy one but first of all i would like to know the performance and durability of this stick befroe any purchase. Is the Draper curve a Sakic clone by the way?


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HI, does anyone have a mac daddy? Because i want to buy one but first of all i would like to know the performance and durability of this stick befroe any purchase. Is the Draper curve a Sakic clone by the way?


The Draper is Warrior's Sakic clone. It's not exact, but it is extremely close.

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But what about the performance and durability?

Just like a true1 or Vapor xxx. The retail model Warriors haven't out in enough places for people to really be able to test those things.

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HI, does anyone have a mac daddy? Because i want to buy one but first of all i would like to know the performance and durability of this stick befroe any purchase. Is the Draper curve a Sakic clone by the way?


The Draper is Warrior's Sakic clone. It's not exact, but it is extremely close.

is the draper a mogilny?

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nah, its right on with the sakic IMO.I have used the draper

Yeah the Draper is almost an exact clon of the Sakic, but IMO the Draper curve starts a little more towards the toe. I think that the Draper lines up better with the TPS Nash curve. Very little difference between the three curves, but I'm kind of picky :lol:

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Draper is probably in the same range as Sakic. As for durability, the ones i've seen have broken within weeks. However, in every other area, they seem to be great sticks.

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No, its a sakic...No where close to a mogo

Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't the old Inno pattern setup something like:

Fed = Modo, Mogo = Sakic, Kovy = Drury?

So if Draper replaces Mogo, and Mogo was a Sakic, then how is a Draper nothing like a Mogo?

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No, its a sakic...No where close to a mogo

Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't the old Inno pattern setup something like:

Fed = Modo, Mogo = Sakic, Kovy = Drury?

So if Draper replaces Mogo, and Mogo was a Sakic, then how is a Draper nothing like a Mogo?

The Mogilny curve was closet to a Iginla. I believe that the closet Warrior pattern is the Robitaille.

Edit: The Recchi was also close to the Mogilny if I remember correctly

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nah, its right on with the sakic IMO.I have used the draper

Yeah the Draper is almost an exact clon of the Sakic, but IMO the Draper curve starts a little more towards the toe. I think that the Draper lines up better with the TPS Nash curve. Very little difference between the three curves, but I'm kind of picky :lol:

I think the Draper curve is much deeper than the Nash.

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Yes the Mac Daddy is the TRUE-1 but just an ugly yellow green. As for performance. Buy it... You wont be sorry!! I have 3 now.

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does warrior have any modano clones, i like just about the least curve i can get on a stick and what i've seen from warrior, the closest looks like a fedorov maybe?

Fedorov is extremely close to modano, just slightly bigger.

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does warrior have any modano clones, i like just about the least curve i can get on a stick and what i've seen from warrior, the closest looks like a fedorov maybe?

try searching or just plain reading...

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