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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Inno/warrior blade patterns

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I'm trying to find out what blade pattern has replaced or is similar to the Inno Mogilny pattern? Is it the weight or the Drapper?

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The weight and mogilny are the same as far as I can tell. I have a mogilny and the only thing that might be different is the lie.

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Weight is a "revised" Mogilny.

Same curve. With more of a "shaved" profile.

If I remember the Mogilny correctly, then the Weight has slightly more rocker as well. Lie feels about the same.

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If possible can you throw up pictures of the two curves (Mogo and Weight) OKst? I remember alot of people looking for a new Mogilny because Warrior supposedly wasn't making anything that was the same. I was under the impression the Igninla-fied it.

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Thanks for the pics. Close but not the same. Why wouldnt they keep the Mogo curve and just call it something else. Damn!

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We discussed the lower lies (compared to Inno) of the Warrior patterns listed in the catalogue a while ago. Does anyone known any more yet about whether they actually lowered the lies of their blades or whether they just screwed up in their lie descriptions. I'm still hoping that the Kovalev will really be a lie 5.

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We discussed the lower lies (compared to Inno) of the Warrior patterns listed in the catalogue a while ago. Does anyone known any more yet about whether they actually lowered the lies of their blades or whether they just screwed up in their lie descriptions. I'm still hoping that the Kovalev will really be a lie 5.

When they finally ship to smaller retailers I'll compare them.

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Is robatille kinda like a iginila?

no the robatille is the mccary

the closest to the iggy is the smyth

Actually the Iggy is closer to the Robatile then the Smyth. The Smyth is a larger curve with a lower lie. Plus the Smyth is a toe curve and the Iggy is a mid curve.

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What do you mena by a shaved profile?

Shaved is a reference to shaved down wooden blades, i.e. extreme case is a hull or antropov blade. The paddle on Weight looks smaller than the Mogilny, that's all.

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