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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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NHL Pro return Vector Pros

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Pro stock are ''touchy'' IMO, because the player may ask for a different style of stiffness,heel-lift, maybe a new tongue. and normally size are different i.e: left 8,25 right 8.5

So, if you can go to the store, i think it worth it, if you have to buy them online, then be aware

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It's interesting to look at all of the narrow widths the pros are wearing. It seems like a lot of them wears C, B, and even A (!!!) widths, some with an AA heel which is super narrow!

I have rather narrow feet myself and i wear a size 10 C/A width Pro Tacks (2004 model). It's almost imposible to get them here in Sweden so i mostly have to order them from overseas. Darn, it drives me nuts!

I really dont get this. Why the h'll is the D/A width the retail regular when so many players apperently needs a more narrow width?! Does that mean most of the (in this case) CCM users are skating around in far to wide skates?? That must be the case, right?!

This gets me all confused, i really don't know what to think... :blink:

One thing's for sure, something's wrong with this picture!

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Where I am (New Zealand) we sell nearly as many E or EE width skates as D width, and not because people want them super loose. I guess it comes down to what you had your feet in most when you were young - if you walked around barefoot or in jandals most of the time (like a lot of people do around home here) then your feet tend to be wider, whereas if they're constrained by skates or stiff shoes most of the time they'll end up narrower. That's all I can think of anyway.

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I don't understand why you would want to buy skates customized for a specific player. Their made to fit that particular player and your feet aren't the same. I would be very hesitant about getting a pair of these unless your feet have the identical fit as the player their made for.

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I don't understand why you would want to buy skates customized for a specific player. Their made to fit that particular player and your feet aren't the same. I would be very hesitant about getting a pair of these unless your feet have the identical fit as the player their made for.

Well, not every set of Pro Stock skates are different in size or width. Some of them are just regular sizes, plus you will you get a skate that are way more durable. If you're a big agressive skater that's hard on your skates you might want a Pro Stiff skate (X, XX), or if you are looking at a different size/width, double felt tongue (if you have lacebite problems), looking for bigger ankle packs etc. etc. If you're in luck, you might find a "lucky size" that will blow away any retail skate.

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I don't understand why you would want to buy skates customized for a specific player. Their made to fit that particular player and your feet aren't the same. I would be very hesitant about getting a pair of these unless your feet have the identical fit as the player their made for.

Well, not every set of Pro Stock skates are different in size or width. Some of them are just regular sizes, plus you will you get a skate that are way more durable. If you're a big agressive skater that's hard on your skates you might want a Pro Stiff skate (X, XX), or if you are looking at a different size/width, double felt tongue (if you have lacebite problems), looking for bigger ankle packs etc. etc. If you're in luck, you might find a "lucky size" that will blow away any retail skate.

I dissagree..

Again, its hit or miss. Some players like a lighter skate or exchange parts that are meant to hold the skate together better from retail for a more performance that will only last for a few games/practices... Just because something is pro-stock, doesn't mean anything about its durability.. Some NHL player's skates fall apart in only a few games (and more power to them.. they get a totally custom skate, and dont need to use it for more than a few games).

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Look at Mike Modanos skates width, he's wearing a size 9.5 A/AA (left) and a size 9.5 C/AA (right). A/AA width is VERY narrow! I think that the C/A width should become the retail regular, instead of the D/A, when so many players apperently needs a more narrow fit.

Edit: typing error

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Look at Mike Modanos skates width, he's wearing a size 9.5 A/AA (left) and a size 9.5 C/AA (right). A/AA width is VERY narrow! I think that the C/A width should become the reail regular, instead of the D/A, whan so many players apperently needs a more narrow fit.

I see very few people who need a C width, let alone anything as radical as an A width. In fact, I see more people needing an E or EE in Bauer or Mission than needing a C in CCM.

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I wear 8/E in CCM, but I have an odd shaped foot, the heel is pretty narrow but the middle of my foot, especially the outter part (opposite side of the arch) is very wide, I was almost going to have the sides punched out but after a 2nd bake, my pro tacks were all good.

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Look at Mike Modanos skates width, he's wearing a size 9.5 A/AA (left) and a size 9.5 C/AA (right). A/AA width is VERY narrow! I think that the C/A width should become the reail regular, instead of the D/A, whan so many players apperently needs a more narrow fit.

I see very few people who need a C width, let alone anything as radical as an A width. In fact, I see more people needing an E or EE in Bauer or Mission than needing a C in CCM.

Yes, that has been my interpretation aswell, but look at all those players needing C/A, D/AA, B/AA, and even A/AA:s etc etc...i really dont get this. What's wrong with this picture? Can you help me figure it out?

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i think its more a fact that when you heat mold a skate it gets bigger so they want there heel to stay in nice and tight. ive seen quite a few people who need like a AAA heel but a D forefoot

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Ok I'm very confused by Ovechin's skates. He's wearing 9.5EE/B.

Does that mean one skate is a 9.5EE and the other is a 9.5B?

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Ok I'm very confused by Ovechin's skates. He's wearing 9.5EE/B.

Does that mean one skate is a 9.5EE and the other is a 9.5B?

No, /B is for the heel cup.

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Wow I have the exact same skate sizing as Alexander Ovechin. That's kinda cool, I think I'll step up my play now. Gotta represent my skate size LOL

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Wow I have the exact same skate sizing as Alexander Ovechin. That's kinda cool, I think I'll step up my play now. Gotta represent my skate size LOL

Well go for them then, ask Jason to mail you some pics of the skates, ask for the specifics that may be interesting to know about. Then step up your play. :P

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