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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Glove smell

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Does anyone have any proven methods for getting the smell out of gloves??

I have tried everything and they just do not get better. I use Easton gloves currently. I had got some Eagle X70's as a secondary pair to give the Easton's some air out time on ocassion. The problem is, I can not get used to these gloves so they are now collecting dust.

Any ideas are appreciated.


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There's a company called MisterMax that makes an enzymatic cleaner you spray on. They call it Anti-Icky-Poo, and it's designed to remove the bacteria and its associated off-colour smells. For a while my cats had an issue with their litter box being too small, causing them to be outside the box when they peed. This stuff removed cat piss, one of the most dificulult to remove smells in nature. I use it on my roller hockey gear and will use it on my ice gear when I finally buy some. It's safe for your skin so long as you don't drink it. Check it out-



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Once again...shaving cream/gel with Lanolin.


I used Murphy's Oil Soap with a little Dettol disinfectant to hand wash the gloves (Eagle X70s) first. This cleans out the gunk and should kill the bacteria. The rinses were black, then brown, then greenish, then yellowish, and finally clear...

After air-drying them (most of 2 days with a fan) I used Barbasol inside and outside to recondition them and get rid of the crustiness.

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Okay lets get things straight...

How does this lanolin thing work?

I take a can of shavingcream (w/ lanolin of course) and put into the palms and the glove itself?

How long does this stuff have to remain in there?

Do i have it wash it out then?

Just explain it for the stupid ones ;)

By the way:

I found this one via google, it says there is Lanolin in there... So it should work..


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After trying Febreeze and some lemon sports spray (which made it worse) I just dumped my gloves in some vinegar for a few hours -> rinse in water -> water + tide -> rinse in water -> water + fabric softener -> rinse in water -> air dry = nasty smell went away.

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have you guys tried applying antibacterial gel on your hands before each game?

As weird as it sounds, it works. I keep a small bottle of Purell in my bag and have used it on my hand before games ever since I got my Eagles and they still smell like roses :) B)

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Guest Muck
have you guys tried applying antibacterial gel on your hands before each game?

As weird as it sounds, it works. I keep a small bottle of Purell in my bag and have used it on my hand before games ever since I got my Eagles and they still smell like roses :) B)

Makes sense. No garbage in, no garbage out.

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Funk Free works great and is not limited to your gloves. I use it on all my equipment, and I've known others to use it on sleeping bags, cat litter, etc.

It's not a magic pill but it definitely works.

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Guest Muck
Funk Free works great and is not limited to your gloves.

They sell it at all Play It Again Sports shops.

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there's a new system coming out in the near future that won't be water based ...I should have access to a prototype in a couple weeks to test it out..(some old 7000 skates and 5090 SG' (circa 95?) should be a good test!)

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besides making gloves smell better, anybody have some tips on softening up some dried out glove palms? i have a pair of eagle x80 proglos and the palms are so dried up and irritating that id like to do something about softening them up instead of dumping 50 or so into new palms or just going with new gloves which I might do anyways come the new one90s but would be nice to have a pair to rotate with...

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besides making gloves smell better, anybody have some tips on softening up some dried out glove palms? i have a pair of eagle x80 proglos and the palms are so dried up and irritating that id like to do something about softening them up instead of dumping 50 or so into new palms or just going with new gloves which I might do anyways come the new one90s but would be nice to have a pair to rotate with...

Funk Free works well for that, also, since it breaks down the salt which causes the crustiness (and smell).

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besides making gloves smell better, anybody have some tips on softening up some dried out glove palms? i have a pair of eagle x80 proglos and the palms are so dried up and irritating that id like to do something about softening them up instead of dumping 50 or so into new palms or just going with new gloves which I might do anyways come the new one90s but would be nice to have a pair to rotate with...

The shaving cream with lanolin softened up my gloves (after I washed them - see a few posts up).

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You can wash your gloves in the washing machine as well. My brother did it all the time for his lacrosse gloves.


i get lots of questions from some of the guys how i wash my gloves. so i decided to post it.

Step One.

Gather your gear that you want to wash. Put it in the washer.

Step Two.

Set everything. For example, the temperature of the water. I personally used Small load size, Warm Wash, Cold Rinse, Extra Rinse off and Hand wash Off. I set the cycle to a normal, regular cycle.



Step Three.

If your washer has a fabric softener dispenser, add half of a cap of fabric softener. You’ll need to pour in some laundry detergent. I used about a 1/4th of a cap. Make sure you cover most of the surface you want to clean with the detergent.



Step Four.

Close the top of the washer, and start the cycle you set.


Step Five.

Once the washer indicates that the cycle is done (usually by some sort of noise. If no noise is heard, look at the dial to see if it’s at the end of the cycle), take the equipment out.


Step Six.

Tie the equipment up somehow. It will be hung outside. Hang it on anything where the equipment will be in direct sunlight. Leave it in the direct sunlight for about 10-15 minutes.



Step Seven.

This step is needed ONLY if the equipment is not dry. Bring the equipment inside and place it in front of a fan for 10-15 minutes.


There you have it! Clean, good-smelling equipment! It’ll soften up your gloves a little bit, making them more flexible. If you do this to gloves as I did, the next morning you may need to work them a little bit. You may possibly need to do this to other equipment as well, but I have yet to try it.

Warning! I have not tried this on equipment other than gloves, use this cleaning method at your own risk!

Although, I think it’ll be fine for any body pads. Please, do not attempt washing your helmet in the washer. For one, it’ll be noisy and you may be punished per your parents, two, it’d be pretty hard to fit a helmet into a washer. If you attempt washing your helmet, and it works, let me know. See the warning above.

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just wanted to share this cause we're talking about smelly stuff:

once i had an inno shaft (i hadn't even heard of inno then) and i don't remember what kind of blade. after one of my games, i left it on my bag outside. i came back and there was like this piece of shit rubbed on it. it was super nasty. originally, we wiped it off, then spray deodorant to no avail. we ended up trashing it cause of the smell.

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I bought some used gloves here on the board and they have a pretty strong odor.....I have been hitting them with a shit ton of lysol everyday and it is helping.......


Should I throw them in the dish washer to finish off the bacteria?

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i get lots of questions from some of the guys how i wash my gloves. so i decided to post it.

Something about the water apperantly doesn't work well in killing the bacteria. It'll help the smell for a little, but it's covering up the smell rather than ridding yourself of it. Think of it as an "Italian shower" instead of a real shower.

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i get lots of questions from some of the guys how i wash my gloves. so i decided to post it.

Something about the water apperantly doesn't work well in killing the bacteria. It'll help the smell for a little, but it's covering up the smell rather than ridding yourself of it. Think of it as an "Italian shower" instead of a real shower.

The moisture in and around the padding creates a breeding ground for bacteria and ruins the palms.

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