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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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new gloves

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I'm going to be getting new gloves tommorow because I hate my M-2's, I was looking into TPS hg12's, I know theres tons of glove topics but I'm looking for these specific things-

good mobility

tighter fit ( more like a lacrosse glove)

under like 80.00 usd

thanks guys, feel free to recommend anything

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GM had some good deals on gloves via ebay, check the Sell Forum..also HG has a ton of prostock 5000's that are bouncing around in price..XV's are great gloves.

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..XV's are great gloves.

Unfortunately they don't offer much in terms of protection... I have XV's now and I can say that my next gloves are going to have plastic inserts in them.

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I can understand wanting plastic inserts, but I don't think they lack in protection and would use them over most dual density type gloves..

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are you trying to kill this thread post whore?

I love the fact that that is your ONLY comeback. thanks for being original

Thats all I have to say here

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Come on guys, no need to start a cock fight on MSH.

Which is why I said I was done. I dont want that to happen either.

OK, back to the original topic :)

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