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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Please help a newbie with equipment question

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Hello all. First post on this board. I'm playing in a mens league in the fall for the first time. Nothing too much, just a "C" recreational league to start out with. Any way, I have all the equipment I need, and I did a test run on putting the gear on. When I was finished, I noticed that there was a pretty large gap in my mid-section in the front. Is this normal? I've never played in full pads before, so I just do not know. Can somebody fill me in? Thanks.

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I have about 3-4 inches not protecting my stomach. I am yet to take any shots or have any problems with that area yet. I think its designed mostly for the chest/heart area and your shoulders region so as long as it covers that I think your good to go.

Welcome to the board by the way B)

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Some shoulder pads protect the stomach area while some do not. I've been playing without protection there and I've taken a slapshot to the rib area just below the heart. Did it hurt? Yes. Did I live? Yes. Do I regret not having extra protection? Yes. Is the extra protection necessary? It's up to you. I've stepped on the ice many times but I've only gotten hit by a puck once.

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By the way, this is the gear I have:

Reebok 5K shoulder, shin and elbows

CCM 692 pants

CCM 652 helmet

CCM 692 gloves

CCM 451 supertacks (old but still in great shape)

How does my level of protection look? I haven't taken the tags off anything yet so I can still exchange something. I tried to get middle of the road gear.

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i like it, lol, the protection seems to be there...the issue should be the way it fits you, if it fits you nicely go for it. if you can take your pants to the store with you and try on youre shoulder pads and maybe the size bigger to see

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Actually, I had help from the sales associate there when I bought the stuff. I am very average size and build (5'10, 185 lbs.), so basically everything was a large. I tried the shoulder pads on first, and actually picked the 5K over a cheaper pair because of the better fit. I have to admit, it may take a while getting used to playing with all those pads on.

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As already pointed out, some SP have ample ab protection for those who want it, some don't bother because it's not really essential. The only stomach impacts I would normally expect in a game would be if I were trying to screen a goalie and my teammate slaps a puck into my gut, which doesn't really happen since if the puck is coming from the point, I can usually react fast enough to not get hit there.

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I use the bauer 6000 shoulder pads they have a removable extra pad that covers your abs and lower stoumach i have taken a stick or two there and its protected the area rather well if your looking for something to cover the lower stoumach i would recomend this. And if you buy it and find the pad to be annoying or not really necessary you can always remove it.

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Actually, I had help from the sales associate there when I bought the stuff. I am very average size and build (5'10, 185 lbs.), so basically everything was a large. I tried the shoulder pads on first, and actually picked the 5K over a cheaper pair because of the better fit. I have to admit, it may take a while getting used to playing with all those pads on.

jw, im about 5' 9" 185lbs 40" chest 34" waiste etc... and having trouble finding a shop with gear I want, if youre similar dimensions which size 5k shoulder pads did u get? im looking to get 6k or 7ks and cant find them, the large 6k pants fit me better than the mediums that I couldnt get over my shorts in the shop, a little long but I could always exchange them if they dont fit. i cant ever find a shop that actually has moer than 2 pairs of shoulder pads on the wall that arent old vintage looking things. thanks

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Hello all. First post on this board. I'm playing in a mens league in the fall for the first time. Nothing too much, just a "C" recreational league to start out with. Any way, I have all the equipment I need, and I did a test run on putting the gear on. When I was finished, I noticed that there was a pretty large gap in my mid-section in the front. Is this normal? I've never played in full pads before, so I just do not know. Can somebody fill me in? Thanks.

Where is the gap? Do your shoulder pads come to the bottom of your ribs? Do your pants come up to the bottom of your ribs? Does the belt on your pants ride just above your hips?

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I actually got a mid-section pad that I wear. It's kinda like the pads QB's in football have around their torso only mine's foam. Idk where to find it...the guy I bought some pads from on eBay threw it in. I like it, if it breaks I'd like to know where to find one.

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I have Koho shoulder pads, and Bauer 1000's (although my LHS finally has a pair of XXL pants in, so will be upgrading soon), and I know the gap you are talking about.

I am not much of a player, but have not been hit there.

Of course I have a healthy beer gut to help neutrailize any slapshots to the unprotected area.

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I actually got a mid-section pad that I wear. It's kinda like the pads QB's in football have around their torso only mine's foam. Idk where to find it...the guy I bought some pads from on eBay threw it in. I like it, if it breaks I'd like to know where to find one.

Could it be a lacrosse rib pad?

A guy I used to play with got one when he had a bruised rib and kept wearing it afterwards.

Rib Pad

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I have Koho shoulder pads, and Bauer 1000's (although my LHS finally has a pair of XXL pants in, so will be upgrading soon), and I know the gap you are talking about.

I am not much of a player, but have not been hit there.

Of course I have a healthy beer gut to help neutrailize any slapshots to the unprotected area.

Me too..I always think of the guy that used to stop cannonballs with his gut.

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I have Koho shoulder pads, and Bauer 1000's (although my LHS finally has a pair of XXL pants in, so will be upgrading soon), and I know the gap you are talking about.

I am not much of a player, but have not been hit there.

Of course I have a healthy beer gut to help neutrailize any slapshots to the unprotected area.

Me too..I always think of the guy that used to stop cannonballs with his gut.

Homer Simpson?


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I actually got a mid-section pad that I wear. It's kinda like the pads QB's in football have around their torso only mine's foam. Idk where to find it...the guy I bought some pads from on eBay threw it in. I like it, if it breaks I'd like to know where to find one.

Could it be a lacrosse rib pad?

A guy I used to play with got one when he had a bruised rib and kept wearing it afterwards.

Rib Pad

Hmmm isn't like that. It's like the same padding, cept it wraps all the way around and it juts up a little to cover the kidney area a bit too.

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