Miserable 6 Report post Posted March 29, 2006 "Failure to obey a traffic signal device" in PA it's zero points. I am curious to see what town it was though. You might be right Chadd. I have someone working on reducing a 25 over the limit violation to failure to obey a traffic control device for me from a couple of weeks ago.I had to request a court date and I might loose the fine but that's okay as long as I loose the points with it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tokes 0 Report post Posted March 29, 2006 Not true about all speeding tickets affect your insurance, in Alberta you're given one "gimme" ticket that doesn't affect your insurance at all, then after that you're FUCKED.My first ticket came roughly 331 days after I got my license :P I had double spare over lunch so me and my friends had 3 hours to kill, so we decided to go for a round of golf. I ended up being late, so I was rushing. 96 in a 60 zone. 313 bucks and I think 3 demerits, but no affect on insurance. They spelt my name wrong (off by one letter, an E instead of an A) and threw the ticket out. I definitely didn't tell my parents ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Chadd 916 Report post Posted March 29, 2006 The town is Butler, PA. Anyways, this is my first anything at all on my insurance. No other tickets fines wrecks dings fender benders, nothing. He filled the thing out all fine and its all filled in, and I really dont think taking it to cout will do much of anything for me. The actual fine was only 25$ but all the other shit they add onto it brought it up into the $100's range, which I really doubt they'll deduct from the ticket any of those "tax" type things, like EMS and Medicare which obviously didnt even come to the scene of the crime, haha.We have easily IDable crown vics and impalas too, hell they have municiple plates and the wheels are all black with no hubcaps so you can tell real quick, plus I think the windows are tinted. The two undercover cars I saw last night had regular PA plates, no add ons, no tint, nothing to distinguish it. The lights were mounted on the dashboard inside the car in the middle and they flashed white, thats the best I can describe them.My registration runs out April first and my license has the wrong address on it, but he didn't write me up for it. He said if he was state cop I would be seeing alot more money on the ticket because my license and registration/insurance addresses dont match (I moved over a year and half ago). There are so many add-on fees in PA that it's insane. A $25 moving violation used to come out to $84.50, low end speeding, running a stop sign, etc... I can only imagine how bad it is now. He's right about the State cops hammering you, they will generally get you for everything they can. It sounds like they had extra staff on to handle the concert traffic, the same thing used to happen at Star Lake for concerts. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hip check 0 Report post Posted March 29, 2006 Hmmm, I have a few stories, but can mostly say 'slow down'. I've had a bit more driving time (not necessarily experience, but..) than many of you - just because I'm older. Stay with the flow of traffic or your bound to get nailed. Being young, unfortunately, is usually a strike against you and they officer is not as likely to let you off! (Kind of a 'teach 'em a lesson' thing)Get out to your local drag strip or race track and put some runs or laps in. You can go way faster than on the streets - safely and legally. Get it out of your system and save yourself the tickets and the extreme insurance rates! I know about the insurance costs - both myself and friends have had big payments, and it's not money well spent!edit: typo Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vapor 0 Report post Posted March 30, 2006 Recommend what you'd wear to the movies, please. Pumps? I bet you have nice ox-like calves to show off, sexy. if they are patent leather stiletto pump yes. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ti-girl 0 Report post Posted March 30, 2006 I've only been stopped once. It may be because I'm a girl, but speeding just isn't a huge deal for me.Anyway, in January I got pulled over. I had been driving for 10 hours and get pulled over between Brooks and Bassano and the cop meanders up to my window. (The speed limit on the double lane in Alberta is 110. I was doing about 130) I'm leaning my head against the steering wheel, looking like crap. I was sick and really tired. And I hadn't showered all day and felt just icky.So he goes "Hi there miss. So, can you tell me how fast you were going?"Me: "About 130...ish."Him: "Why were you going so fast?"Me: "Honestly? I didn't think I'd get caught."Him: "Okay, well, just promise you won't speed again."Me: "Okay, I promise I won't speed...." *waits until he leaves* "TOMORROW."No ticket, just a smile. :P Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Eazy_b97 1 Report post Posted March 30, 2006 I got my first and only speeding tickets about a year ago. I was on an overpass where you can get onto a highway. I was trapped between a Semi taking up two lanes and a guy who was riding my tail. I sped up to get around the Semi (who was turning onto the "on ramp") as soon as I signalled to slow down I see a police officer running out to stop me. I was on my way to school.First night I got my G2 I was out with some friends of mine. We were pretty young (16 I believe) and they were being idiots in the back. I was flying down a fairly large decline and my friends were just doing something stupid. I was going roughly 100 in a 70 (everyone does 80-90 on it though) and a car pulls up beside me, guy looks right at me, pulls out a badge and tells me to slow down. Obviously I do, guy just takes off and doesn't even bother with me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
toroytorero 0 Report post Posted March 30, 2006 driving from ne part of wyoming to denver hauling ass trying to make it to the airport . Came over a crest in a hill and wouldn't you know it a cop was on the other side. I was doing over 100 in a rental but the cop only gave me a ticket for 73 or something in a 65. also told me he was the only officer on duty for the entire county and to buckle up. so pretty much he was giving me the green light to go as fast as I could until I hit the next county line but I was kind frazzled after getting the ticket so I kept it about 80-85 ... missed the flight.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Miserable 6 Report post Posted March 30, 2006 That reminds me of a couple stories. About 4 years ago I was on my way to my girlfriend’s (now my wife) house on December 22nd. I was flying down this 2 lane road that everyone flies down doing about 80. I think the limit was 45. This dark car pulls up next to me as I’m driving and I didn’t think anything of it. Then all these lights come on and I look over and it’s an unmarked car. I slow down to 45 and the cop stays next to me. He rolls down his window and motions for me to roll down mine so I do. Then he yells Merry Christmas, rolls up the window and floors it. Pretty cool.When I was a teenager I worked at my uncle’s gas station and all of the cops from that district would come in for coffee so I knew all of them and was pretty friendly with them.One night I was coming home from some chick’s house around 1:00 am and I blew a red light doing 60 or so. I didn’t notice the cop on the other side coming the other way. He didn’t stop or put on his lights so I just took it easy the rest of the way. A couple of weeks later I was behind the counter at work and one of the cops I know walks in. He says “were you driving down Oregon Ave 2 weeks ago around 1:00?†I knew right away what it was about so I said yes. He said “then that was you speeding through a red light?†I said yes. Then he takes his hat and smacks me in the head with it and say “don’t do it again!†Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fire0nIce228 1 Report post Posted March 30, 2006 There are so many add-on fees in PA that it's insane. A $25 moving violation used to come out to $84.50, low end speeding, running a stop sign, etc... I can only imagine how bad it is now. He's right about the State cops hammering you, they will generally get you for everything they can. It sounds like they had extra staff on to handle the concert traffic, the same thing used to happen at Star Lake for concerts. The only problem with that theory is the concert was in Indiana PA, a cool 50 miles away from where I was :( . I don't know why they were out, I just think its bull that three cops were on one stretch of town (its a small town, main street is like..2 miles if that) and there were no other cars around anywhere and he knew I just let the car coast down the hill instead of riding my brakes. I think since it was close to end of the month they just had to get their quota of tickets given out and were getting anyone trying to go through a deserted main street too quick :(. It came out to $126 for a 25$ failure to obey traffic control devices fine. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Chadd 916 Report post Posted March 30, 2006 There are so many add-on fees in PA that it's insane. A $25 moving violation used to come out to $84.50, low end speeding, running a stop sign, etc... I can only imagine how bad it is now. He's right about the State cops hammering you, they will generally get you for everything they can. It sounds like they had extra staff on to handle the concert traffic, the same thing used to happen at Star Lake for concerts. The only problem with that theory is the concert was in Indiana PA, a cool 50 miles away from where I was :( . I don't know why they were out, I just think its bull that three cops were on one stretch of town (its a small town, main street is like..2 miles if that) and there were no other cars around anywhere and he knew I just let the car coast down the hill instead of riding my brakes. I think since it was close to end of the month they just had to get their quota of tickets given out and were getting anyone trying to go through a deserted main street too quick :(. It came out to $126 for a 25$ failure to obey traffic control devices fine. It was just a guess. I got pulled over three times in one township on the same night. All of it within 5 miles and never got a ticket. The cops were bored and just wanted to screw with someone that night. Oh, the joys of living in a small town. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Miserable 6 Report post Posted March 30, 2006 It came out to $126 for a 25$ failure to obey traffic control devices fine. If that's the case then it doesn't carry any points so it's probably less aggravation to just pay the ticket and move on. You might have a case since you were just coasting but it might not really be worth everything involved to fight it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fire0nIce228 1 Report post Posted March 30, 2006 Yeah chadd sorry about that after re-reading it came out sounding kinda standoffish or something. What I meant to say was I was nowhere near where the concert was. My bad, sorry 'bout that.I don't plan on taking it to court. Theres no points, and its not like they'll completly drop it for coasting downhill so if its going to hurt my insurance its going to hurt it I guess. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stampeder 2 Report post Posted April 3, 2006 Just got my first one 126kmh in a 100 zone, $235. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
D3nZ 0 Report post Posted April 3, 2006 I'm lucky so far I only got a warning once for doing 68 in a 50 zone. I have a good eye for cop cars. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JR Boucicaut 3804 Report post Posted April 9, 2006 Got one today in Taylor. He cut me a "break" by giving me 5 over when I was really 19 over. He did misspell my tag number... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vapor 0 Report post Posted April 9, 2006 got one coming back from canada today... 80 in a 55... he gunned me so there really isnt much for me to do... Driving six hours to fight it dosent sound like a plan either... i hate (traffic) cops. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cougarscaptain87 12 Report post Posted April 10, 2006 got #2 last night. got a break tho, i was going 64 in a 45, wrote it for 50 in a 45 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fire0nIce228 1 Report post Posted April 10, 2006 whoa, seems i've started a trend here on MSH, or noone was bored enough to pse about them before! Everyone hit the breaks! :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
UMWhockey 0 Report post Posted April 10, 2006 going to be in court monday for an 80 in a 70. I really don't have the time to go, but forgot to mail in the fine in time, so now i have to take off of work and go to court, which is about two hours away.... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hockeypunk 0 Report post Posted April 10, 2006 We had a hurricane about 2 years ago and we had a city wide curfew of 11pm. So I am the DD for my friends this weekend so I was driving them home. Never the less I got pulled at 11:02 doing 46 in a 35. but It was a 45 that reduced to a 35, and I hadent even got to the 35 sign yet. So I was doing 46 in a 45. But the cops word over mine. So anyway he pulls me, im 17 at the time, calls my parents makes them meet me where I got pulled 2 blocks from home. So they meet me there and pull up and hes giving me a sobriety test. I hadnt had a sip so no problem but he smelt booze because my last passenger was sauced. So he asks him to get out of the car and he stands up and passes out! So in court I got fined for doing 11 over 2 minutes after curfew, and my parents had to come get me. LAME! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
badsk8ter 0 Report post Posted April 10, 2006 Too bad you didn't also use your parents as witnesses as to the location of where you were pulled over (i.e., still in the 45 MPH zone, also, if you had a camera phone or some type of picture would've helped). Did you even bother trying to fight it? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hockeypunk 0 Report post Posted April 10, 2006 I asked the cop to take me back down the street and he refused due to the curfew and he had more important things to do. So I went to the road and took pictures because there isnt even a reduce speed sign its just a 45 then a 35 a little further down and I took pics of where the cop was when he clocked me and where the signs are but in court he said the sign was there and someone had to have removed it. so I argued that on a night with a city wide curfew, someone went out dug up a road sign and left no eveidence of doing so. But the judge didnt want to hear it I got community service and a fine. What can you do. I got screwed Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BushLeagueDangler08 0 Report post Posted April 12, 2006 1st day of hockey practice our team is driving from school to the rink and we only have about 20 mins to get to the rink and get dressed (rink is 15 mins away) and about 12 of us (7 cars) were doing roughly 75 in a 35. My friend who I was driving with passes a teammate over a double yellow. Then, a cop pulls out infront of all of us at a light and makes a right turn then he stops in the road, gets out of his car and directs all of our 7 cars to pull over. Luckily, he was a good guy and only gave 5 over to all of us. It was sort of a win-lose situation for all of us. Win-we only got 5 over Lose- we al got tickets Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gavin 0 Report post Posted April 12, 2006 I was talking with my mom on the phone and it was really important, as my parents were separating and a lotta stupid stuff was happening back home. I lost track of the time talking to her, and wound up missing my ride to hockey practice. My coach is REALLY strict about being late or missing practice, so I jumped in my buddy's Jetta and just started tooling the backroads. Right before the Michigan/Wisconson border, a Wisconson state trooper pulled me over for doing 20mph over. I was so out of it emotionally I didn't want to talk to him about it... so I just sat there and let him write up my BC licence with all kinds of fines :( I hate traffic cops... you think they could spend more time working on the cocaine/heroin problems that are rampant in Iron Mountain, Green Bay, Marinette and just about all the towns around here. But that's probably more work than charging me big bucks for going fast cause I screwed up once in a 40-games season and had to drive fast to get to the rink. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites