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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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3d logic game

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Im having a lot of trouble with level 16. I dont know how to get a screenshot either so is there any other way someone can help me out?

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Im having a lot of trouble with level 16. I dont know how to get a screenshot either so is there any other way someone can help me out?

I actually just did that one as you posted, but I already forgot... :unsure: That's the hardest part if you have to repeat levels, they're hard to remember :huh:

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I think i have been working on 16 for about an hour now and still cant get it. It seems like i flew through the first 15 levels and 16 i just cant figure out.

HELP PLEASE!!!!!!!!!

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I think i have been working on 16 for about an hour now and still cant get it. It seems like i flew through the first 15 levels and 16 i just cant figure out.

HELP PLEASE!!!!!!!!!

Open the window, press and hold Ctrl+Prt Scrn buttons for a second. Open MS Paint or something, press Ctrl+V. This should paste a copy of the page. Crop it how you like, and post the picture.

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Thanks for the instructions but it says the pic is too large, i dont know how to resize it.

Nevermind, here it is!!

Level 16

Now, lets see what you guys can do to help us less advanced people.

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I'm stuck on 23, Can anyone help me out? The thing that pisses me off is that I got all the way up to 27, then my piece of s*** Internet Explorer crashed. When I went back and continued, I was back at 21, now I can't get past 23. :angry:

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Man, level 16 has been bugging me for a day now!

from what i remember, the red (in that pic, the colors always change) goes on the outer edge to the right. keep playing with different combinations for the yellow and the green, that's what helped me get it.

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Well, i looked and dont regret it. WOW i was totally buggin out. Thanks a lot DeI and Nigel. I hope there is no more levels like this.

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I'm stuck on 23 but I'm tired so I'll leave it open and go to bed. Hopefully there's some help for me in the morning.

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FINALLY... here is the solution for level 23 (the grey, naturally, is red)


Good call, I was within a block or two but was having a mind fart. 30 took a couple tries but 16 and 23 were the hardest for me.

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I did end up getting past 23 without cheating, but now can't get 26. I'll get er eventually.

EDIT - Just after I post I get it... Great

How many levels are there?

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