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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Any no where to buy colored lightspeed holders

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Im looking for somewhere that would have black lightspeed or lightspeed 2 holders cuz all i can find is custom and custom+ tuuk black holders but thn i was wondering if i bought those could i put lightspeed blades in the custom/custom+

Help me out?

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You can't get any retail black Lightspeed or LS2 holders but you can by using plastic dye (the stuff you get in hobby shops).

Lightspeed runners wouldn't fit TUUK Custom/Custom+ holders.

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spray paint em with Krylon Fusion paint prep properly and lay on the 3-4 coats and bada bing

get any color of the rainbow for about 6-7 bucks (around here anyway)

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you dont have to sand them

3-4 coats 4 to be safe

have you taken any pucks to them? have they chipped yet?

I did only one coat, and a clear coat, played a tournament and 5-6 playoff games, and have yet to chip on me. Being a defencemen and all took numerous pucks, working along the boards etc..

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you dont have to sand them

3-4 coats 4 to be safe

have you taken any pucks to them? have they chipped yet?

I did only one coat, and a clear coat, played a tournament and 5-6 playoff games, and have yet to chip on me. Being a defencemen and all took numerous pucks, working along the boards etc..

i do but i only kick the puck to myself in the corners to keep it moving but no chippage whatsoever but the part where the toe of the holder meets the steel will chip no matterwhat but people wont notice

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Pretty good for a Prairie girl who hasn't spoken French in over 2 years...

Though I suppose my time in TR and ULaval helped some. :lol:

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I think that ca would be well. You does not want ca to be nearer.

^^ so much for a translater!

Hahaha I love translators.

When I was a monitrice in Quebec City, the homework I would give the kids would be run through an online translator.

I laughed so hard, because they didn't realise how bad it really is.

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how far do u hold the can form the skate cuz im about to do it

Je sais pas, à peu près 15-20 centimetres, qu'est t'en pense Cobra? ;)

aaaahh je dirais que 3 dixième d'un mètre serait un peu mieux,ah et puis taper le patin pour pas qu'il y est de peinture.

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Pretty good for a Prairie girl who hasn't spoken French in over 2 years...

Though I suppose my time in TR and ULaval helped some. :lol:

Pas trop mal, mais c'est mieux de dire: " Je pense que ca serait bien. Tu ne veut pas que ca soit plus proche." Or something to that effect. Mais Je t'ai compris quand meme.

cobrAA, esque on dit des choses telles que "3 dixième d'un mètre" au quebec? ici c plutot "trente centimetres." D'apres moi un peu bizzare mais pas grande chose.

And to answer the original question, my experience with detailing motorcycles and cars is: MOVE YOUR HAND FAST. VERY FAST. This is a chance to work on your hand speed. The faster you move while you are applying, the more even it will be applied. You want to go one swipe at a time, evenly and fast.

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