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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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what shot is this

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i was in a hockey class type thing. the coaches taught us a shot that is pretty much like a wrist shot except you roll your wrist foward instead of back so the face of the blade is facing the ice. does anybody shoot like this in a game or do you just use wrist shot instead.

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That's the proper technique for a wrist shot, especially if you want to keep it low.

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I agree with Chadd, especially if this is a shorter motion. I also know it as a twisted wrister.

If what you call the wrist shot is a long, long motion, I know it as an old-fashioned wrist shot or a sweep shot.

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Oh...I wasn't visualising a wrister, but now that I think about it this makes perfect sense. I usually use snap or slap shots for anything low and wristers for the high stuff. (But don't tell my opposing goalie that!)

As for back hands, where that's going is anyone's guess :D

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I cant really tell by the way you explained it but it sounds like a proper wrist shot.

I think there are two different types of wrist shots. one to keep it low and one to keep it high. The high one you shoot and your lower hand knuckles are pointing towards your face.

the lower shot would be you shooting and the lower hands knuckles are pointing down at the skates.

Thats the best i could describe it.

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To me look like "normal" wrist shoot, make puck spinning trought the blade and then rotate forward/back the wrist for direction and height adjustement.

If you rotate the wrist forward usually the shoot goes low, but if you start with the blade pointing behind you (i'm exagerating but just to explain) then you need to rotate the wrist forward also for a high shoot

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I thought about this when I was on the ice this morning, and yes, doing this the shots were low, but I was getting them up a couple of feet with a nice tight spiral. My high wristers tend to flutter a bit. (I use a Modano/Forsberg curve.)

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I was always tought about the closed=low open=higher.

I also very my speeds by opening and closing my wrist.

Another thing to think about is the double shot.. There is a kid on my team who is amazing at it. You start with a slowsnapshot and you increse your velocity through your swing. This makes it so your stick actually hits the puck twice. The goalie is usually expecting a slow wrister but gets a mean medium-height shot that usually passes right under his blocker.

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