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Glasses - Half shield or Cage

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My son wears glasses, rec specs, and is too young for contacts. He currently uses a Bauer True Vision Cage. I am wondering if anyone has experience using a half shield or a cage for improved visibility. A full shield would probably cause the glasses to fog. Any comments or experience appreciated.

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Do you mean a half shield/half cage? If so, yes, I would recommend that. I played with the Itech combo 920 when I was young w/ glasses and it worked great.

From your post though it sounds like you are considering a half shield OR a cage. I wouldn't recommend a half shield. For one, if your son is too young for contacts, would he even be allowed to play w/ a half shield in his league. Secondly, for a young kid, a half shield is very relatively unprotective.

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You could try this. The scuba dive shops have a bottle of spray stuff you put on your dive masks to keep them from fogging up. Perhaps spray that stuff on the glasses and wipe it off will keep them fog free?

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ive tried stuff like that it doesnt work stick with the full cage

the visor/cage combo just fogs up in the middle of a shift

the best bet is a cage a chrome one works best for viibility.

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My son wears glasses, rec specs, and is too young for contacts. He currently uses a Bauer True Vision Cage. I am wondering if anyone has experience using a half shield or a cage for improved visibility. A full shield would probably cause the glasses to fog. Any comments or experience appreciated.

Update - I am talking about a full cage vs a half shield/half cage

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For what its worth, I wore rec specs before I got contacts. I found that the full cage is fine, it didn't really fog me up. The only thing I would absolutely recommend with this though is some sort of doo rag, or sweat absorber on the head.

I sweated an awful lot, and when the sweat would run down my face, it would form 2 little triangles of condensation over the nose where the glasses sit, in the top corners (top left corner of right lens, top right corner of left lens if that makes sense)

Although, there is one good thing about those little condensation areas, it forces you to skate with your head up, otherwise you can't see properly

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My son wears glasses, rec specs, and is too young for contacts. He currently uses a Bauer True Vision Cage. I am wondering if anyone has experience using a half shield or a cage for improved visibility. A full shield would probably cause the glasses to fog. Any comments or experience appreciated.

Update - I am talking about a full cage vs a half shield/half cage

If you want to go the shield route, look into the Iteck FX-50. I use the HX-50 and it has never fogged on me. I clean it every couple weeks with Pro Guard Visor Clear.

Make sure you spend the little extra money to get Anti-Refective coating on your sons glasses. If you sign a flashlight at his lenses, the reflection will be blue, green, or yellow usually.

I wanted to tint my shield yellow whcih would have been a big pain for this particular model as it has an anti-reflective coating on it already.

If you really want to spend some money, you can get shields with his RX in it. My wife was an optician while going through school and talked about it. I am not sure of the pricing on these. Check with some of you local optical stores like DOC. I know they will make them.

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My son wears glasses, rec specs, and is too young for contacts. He currently uses a Bauer True Vision Cage. I am wondering if anyone has experience using a half shield or a cage for improved visibility. A full shield would probably cause the glasses to fog. Any comments or experience appreciated.

Update - I am talking about a full cage vs a half shield/half cage

If you want to go the shield route, look into the Iteck FX-50. I use the HX-50 and it has never fogged on me. I clean it every couple weeks with Pro Guard Visor Clear.

Make sure you spend the little extra money to get Anti-Refective coating on your sons glasses. If you sign a flashlight at his lenses, the reflection will be blue, green, or yellow usually.

I wanted to tint my shield yellow whcih would have been a big pain for this particular model as it has an anti-reflective coating on it already.

If you really want to spend some money, you can get shields with his RX in it. My wife was an optician while going through school and talked about it. I am not sure of the pricing on these. Check with some of you local optical stores like DOC. I know they will make them.

I second the Itech Optech Shield/cage combo (FX-50). It has never fogged up during a game. Only time it fogs is when I return to the locker room after a game.

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Also, and this may sound crazy, but rub the tiniest bit of shampoo on the rec specs, and keep rubbing with a piece of kitchen paper until its completly clean on the lens, that will prevent fogging too.

My cousin back home runs an outdoor paintball park, and this was a thing he swears by, and I have tried it too, it really works, a creamy shampoo, rather than the clear ones work best (think head and shoulders)

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I wear glasses and I use a half cage/half visor Oakley combo. To keep both my glasses and visor from fogging, I spray Oakley AFR on my visor, then I use some paintball anti-fog spray on my glasses before each game. It works really well. My glasses and visor have never fogged on ice, or roller, and both spray bottles have lasted me all season.

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I wear glasses and I use a half cage/half visor Oakley combo. To keep both my glasses and visor from fogging, I spray Oakley AFR on my visor, then I use some paintball anti-fog spray on my glasses before each game. It works really well. My glasses and visor have never fogged on ice, or roller, and both spray bottles have lasted me all season.

Would you say that the cage/visor combo provides you with a better field of vission than a full cage?

Also, I contacted my opthamologist about his rec spec prescription and explained about my son's entry into travel hockey, Age 7. He mentioned that he may be a candidate for contacts even at this age. I have scheduled an appointment to discuss this "dual patient" role. Thank you for your comments.

I will probably order a half cage/shield and try some of the anti-fog methods mentioned. Thank you all for your prompt response.

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Would you say that the cage/visor combo provides you with a better field of vission than a full cage?

Yes, the optics are much better then a cage IMO. If you are looking to get a half visor/half cage, I would suggest the Oakley Combo.

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I wear glasses and I use a half cage/half visor Oakley combo. To keep both my glasses and visor from fogging, I spray Oakley AFR on my visor, then I use some paintball anti-fog spray on my glasses before each game. It works really well. My glasses and visor have never fogged on ice, or roller, and both spray bottles have lasted me all season.

Would you say that the cage/visor combo provides you with a better field of vission than a full cage?

Also, I contacted my opthamologist about his rec spec prescription and explained about my son's entry into travel hockey, Age 7.  He mentioned that he may be a candidate for contacts even at this age.  I have scheduled an appointment to discuss this "dual patient" role.  Thank you for your comments.

I will probably order a half cage/shield and try some of the anti-fog methods mentioned.  Thank you all for your prompt response.

I started wearing contacts in 4th grade because of sports too, and there wasn't any problem. I think that if he wore them just for sports, and you were there with him when he put them in and out, he should be just fine. I wouldn't let him start wearing them to school yet tho, I had a lot of problems with mine at school when i was younger.

On the other hand, i'd recommend just sticking with a cage. My glasses don't fog up too bad when i'm wearing a cage, but were worse when i had a cage/shield combo.

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wanna know an unhygenic way to clear the fogging? spit on your visor, and wipe it off with a cloth... that's what some divers do before they put their goggles on...

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Also, and this may sound crazy, but rub the tiniest bit of shampoo on the rec specs, and keep rubbing with a piece of kitchen paper until its completly clean on the lens, that will prevent fogging too.

My cousin back home runs an outdoor paintball park, and this was a thing he swears by, and I have tried it too, it really works, a creamy shampoo, rather than the clear ones work best (think head and shoulders)

A guy I play with regularly rubs dawn dishwashing soap on his visor b4 every game.

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