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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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NBH 4500 Helmet

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Even if it is purely cosmetic i think it looks good. I also think we should support companies like nike for getting involved more with the sport of hockey. With more support from them we will get more young players around the country in the game, which will bring more diversity, which will result in a better game of Hockey...........


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Even if it is purely cosmetic i think it looks good. I also think we should support companies like nike for getting involved more with the sport of hockey. With more support from them we will get more young players around the country in the game, which will bring more diversity, which will result in a better game of Hockey...........


The only way to get more players in the game is to dramatically lower the cost of the sport. If you exclude the registration of girls/women the numbers are declining in both the US and Canada.

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I feel you on that, but i also believe with the proper marketing and advertising tactics, hockey can become a popular well-recognized and respected sport.

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I feel you on that, but i also believe with the proper marketing and advertising tactics, hockey can become a popular well-recognized and respected sport.

It's like Golf, you can create all the interest that you want but if people can't afford to play it doesn't matter.

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looks like nbh did wind tunnel testing and concluded that ridge will reduce drag and make you skate faster

It should make the helmet a little stronger.

I understand what you're tying to say but i really don't think it's valid to compare hockey to the game of golf.

In the case of price and availability it is.

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The only way to get more players in the game is to dramatically lower the cost of the sport. If you exclude the registration of girls/women the numbers are declining in both the US and Canada.

The cost of being involved any sport will never be dramatically or minimally reduced to participate in. When people want to blame vendors for higher priced equipment, they should also look at the operating costs of rinks and be thankful there are rink owners willing to pay the bills for their yearly increased costs to keep rinks open.

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Hockey is accessible to all for 0$ as long as you have a stick in cold winter regions.

I've seen little boys playing outside each winter until the age of 10-11 when someone noticed their talent and invested in them because their parents were too poors. Two of them made it to the LHJMQ which is really respectable. It's not very common, but possible...

It's not that easy in the United States, even in cold regions. I may be wrong but i don't think your municipalities are buildings any rinks in the winter. Am i wrong?

In my small city (about 14 000 peoples) we have 13 free outdoor rinks to play and each and every one of them has at least 8-9 people scrimming every night.

But your right when you say competitive hockey is not accessible to all. It takes money and most of the times a lot of sacrifices and travelling from the parents.

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In the states it would be pretty hard to get public ice rinks set up but what would help is if more public parks set up a roller hockey rink instead of building more tennis courts even though there are 4 already existing ones. there's a park about two towns away from me that has 1 roller rink and when the weather is right a lot of people show up there, all u need is some skates, a stick and some motivation. advertising and popularizing the sport can at least contribute to one of those 3.

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Many youth associations, local organizations and pro teams have programs in place to get equipment to the kids that want to play. The parents just have to go through the application process.

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