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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Easton Skates

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About a month ago I purchased a pair of Synergy 1100's from a local Sport Chek. After 1 game of using them, the tendon guards were loose. So I took them in and exchanged them since they said they baked them too long. After using the new ones for 4 games, the bottom of the boot had a huge 2 inch split in the carbon fiber material so I took them back to Sport Chek and they said I would have to send them back to Easton. I called up Easton and they said they didn't have any 1100's in stock so they sent me 1300c's. The 1100's fit perfectly, not hurting my feet or ankles. Can't say the same for the 1300c's. I now have holes in my feet from wearing these. I've used them in about 10 skates, and have had to bandage my feet before gameplay. The skates have blood stains in them from my feet bleeding so much. So I called Easton back today after having these for 2 weeks and the nice Easton rep said they could send me 2006 1200c's for the 1300c's. She said they would fit more like the 1100's. They said they didn't want to send me 1500c's because they would fit just like the 1300c's which really hurt my ankles. What do you guys think? 1200c would be a good skate? Im wondering what the 1300c carbon/glass split is. the 1200c is 70:30, the 1500c is 85:15. BTW Easton is definatley taking care of me.... Great company....

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i am not to sure but from what i have read easton made the 1500 skate bakeable, so it may work out for you, but one other thing that i heard is that they padded up the 1200's in the areas where the 1300 cut ppls feet, i would say the 1200 would be your best bet but you never know maybe the bakeable 1500 might be ur best bet too.

my pick the 1200

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I know your looking for the best for your feets but it's hard to say no to Easton's 1500s.

BTW, after playing in your skates that much, Easton still wants to give you new ones? Impressive! I guess that's something you can't benefit if you buy them on ebay or something...

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well Easton sent me the 1300's because they didnt have any 1100's in stock at the time of replacing the original ones. So they told me today they are going to send me 1200c's. Im fine with those, the 1500c's would be nice but if they hurt my feet like the 1300c's then it isnt worth the hassel. and IMO the 1200's look better then the 1500's. More Silver!

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The 1200s are probably the better skate for you. It is the same thing as the 1500 but not as stiff around the ankles, plus it can be baked. That's cool that Easton is taking such good care of you. Nice to see a company that has good customer service.

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Hey Lloy, which Easton office are you dealing with? Just wondering if it's Cdn or U.S. as all that shipping must be slow if you're going accross borders.

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I've been recommending Easton skates for a few years now but their are a lot of disbelievers out there. I recommend CCM as well. Both skates fit roughly the same except CCM have a slightly wider toe area and a little more of a neutral contour on the blade. I had some bad experiences with the old Airs and Z-Airs but their newer skates with the composite outsoles and quarters are really responsive and comfortable. Like any other skate though they are not for everyone so make sure you take your time and try a few models on before deciding which one you'd like to buy. Personally I'd stick to the ones which can be heat moulded because they seem to be the ones most people prefer because you can mould them to your specific foot shape. ;)

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yep im hoping they do. they told me to use the 1300c's until I get the 1200c's. That means a little more pain and wrapping before hopefully after 3 diff pairs of skates in a month that my ankles will be happy. Easton is awesome. They took care of me with a Synergy stick and are taking great care of me with my skates. Even though my ankles are taking a beating, I'm an Easton customer for life.

haha hope your not like hurricane and bauer, for your time on this board my be short

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I have the 1300's and was told that baking them would void the warranty as the graphite(or some component) would melt. Needless to say, they were a pain to break in. The first time I wore mine, i too had big raw spots on the outside of my ankles. One rubbed so deep that is took the color out of a tattoo. The next time I played, I cut off the sleeves from and old t-shirt and wrapped them around my ankles with and secured them with a strip of cloth tape. Now that they are broken in, I still wrap my ankles as i like the feel of the skate better with it. The skates are the first pair I have liked more than my old Bauer 6000's.

I agree that Easton customer service is great. Mission is as well if you ever have a need to deal with them.

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