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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Warrior gloves or not?

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Whats with Drapper and these gloves? Look like Eagle 70s with the Warrior label.

I cant post a picture. Can someone tell me how to add a picture?


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Lets try this.


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I think we discussed awhile ago that Warrior is not making their own gloves. They are using a different source, for now ;)

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I wasn't saying Eagle made them, but according to the thread on this before, someone else does.

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Interesting. Now tell me this. Due to changing the label on the glove does he now have to pay for his gloves?

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Interesting. Now tell me this. Due to changing the label on the glove does he now have to pay for his gloves?

Do the NHL players have to pay for anything? I highly doubt it.

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the teams pay..certain players with deals don't...but in the end someone always ends up paying for the gear...which sort of makes giving some kid behind the counter a free stick a bit insane

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The truth on this is that Draper likes the gloves Eagle makes him, HOWEVER, he does have a deal with Warrior.  He asked us if it would be OK to change the cuff roll and Ross said no probs.

Eagle does not make gloves for Warrior.

a few years ago when Drapes was wearing a pair of gloves labled as hespler but they looked like eagles. did eagle do the same thing then. McCarty was wearing them also.

i also heard a rumor awhile back that draper had some money invester in inno. is that true? and could he have the same deal with warrior?

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Eagle must've made them i saw a pic in the NHL Gallery where the cuff says warrior and a part the says X70 like on EAGLES

this pic: ohpv107040823lower3qv.th.jpg

Eagle did make the gloves. SRI said they did. Eagle was nice enough to make Draper a pair that said Warrior on them. However, Eagle will not mass produce glove for Warrior. This was just a special circumstance.

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Eagle did make the gloves. SRI said they did. Eagle was nice enough to make Draper a pair that said Warrior on them. However, Eagle will not mass produce glove for Warrior. This was just a special circumstance.

My statement was misinterpreted. The gloves made for Draper were Eagle's and were delivered to him with the Eagle name on the cuffroll. The cuffroll was then changed by the Red Wings equipment staff to one provided by Warrior.

Sorry about that. I shouldn't be trying to watch TV and read this topic at the same time :lol:

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Wore Eagle in the game.

that he did... but during warmups they were warriors... im asking my friend who is a photography freak for pics of doug.

also apparantly they have drying issues.

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