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Murders outside TO

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A little down for a hockey board but...What's the deal with that 8 person murder outside TO? I read about it today on Yahoo news. Seems the area is known hangout for bikers and there has been murders before in 94 and 98. Were these guys shot?

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IDK man but theres been a few murders around here lately that made it on national tv. it was actually in the lake that our family had our summer tripped planned to. <_<

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Were these guys shot?

I heard on the news this morning that it looked like they had been shot. They also said that it may have happened somewhere else, since the bodies where found in cars that weren't there the day before.

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Damn. I know I'm ignorant and uneducated on Ontario, but coming from NJ, you just don't think about that stuff happening up there. I mean, around here (NJ-NY) it's just another day, but up there in farm country?

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It was all over the radio today, happened out in a farmer's field outside of London, from what I hear it is more than likely some sort of organized crime or biker gang message sender type deal.

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from what I read the farmer travelled on the road the night before and there weren't any cars there, so they were discovered pretty quickly...

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Actually it was there own members. They called it a "house cleaning" LOL , there was a list of guys who were to be taken out !

And you guys thought us Canadians were dosile ! LOL

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