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CBC Summit Series Remake

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Remake of the summit series is on cbc for you canadian viewers. My english teacher acts and made the masks for the the goalies.

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It was filmed in Fredericton (Montreal and Toronto) they painted behind the benches from red(Montreal) to blue(Toronto) and the "Vancouver" game was filmed in St-John N-B where the Sea Dogs of the Q play.

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The guy playing Eagleson is bang on (as far as looks). Dryden, and Kharlamov are pretty good likenesses too.

I wonder (seeing as how I was 6 in '72)...was Espo that big a prick?...and was Frank Mahavalich really that paranoid? or are the embellishing for TV?

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The guy playing Eagleson is bang on (as far as looks). Dryden, and Kharlamov are pretty good likenesses too.

I wonder (seeing as how I was 6 in '72)...was Espo that big a prick?...and was Frank Mahavalich really that paranoid? or are the embellishing for TV?

Having read several books on the Summit series as well as Phil Esposito's Autobiography (Thunder and Lightning) I think they are bang on with the behaviour of Espo and Frank Mahavolich.

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The guy playing Eagleson is bang on (as far as looks). Dryden, and Kharlamov are pretty good likenesses too.

I wonder (seeing as how I was 6 in '72)...was Espo that big a prick?...and was Frank Mahavalich really that paranoid? or are the embellishing for TV?

Having read several books on the Summit series as well as Phil Esposito's Autobiography (Thunder and Lightning) I think they are bang on with the behaviour of Espo and Frank Mahavolich.

Ya from what I read in Thunder and Lightening they bang on about both.

I also find Dryden looks farly similar to himself but doesn't anyone else think Esposito looks way off? The actor is way to skinny. Also I find the game shots very slow compared to a movie like Miracle although I'm sure they had a much higher budget.

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...I find the game shots very slow compared to a movie like Miracle although I'm sure they had a much higher budget.

Disney versus the CBC...go figure *L*

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Espo looks off from the snipped piece I saw. His "Don't Boo us" speech was WAY different from the original, but overall the movie looks decently done. I'm glad CBC did this.

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The soundtrack seems to consist of "Signs" and 3 or 4 Guess Who tunes...I thought the 70's was dominated by Top 40 radio...not Top 4 radio.

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Overall I think it was a pretty good series considering and budget and the lenght (4 hours). Most hilarious part was probably the chandelier. And I also got chills when that camera zoomed in on Handerson on the bench, knowing what will happen. I would have liked to see some of the celebrations in Canada and that guy that told the camera the most famous words of that series (yes, after the words Handerson scores for Canada). That guy probably had glasses as thick as a hockey board window, those famous words: "God is Canadian". ;)

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This without a doubt one of the biggest events in hockey history. I read everything about it, i wish i was alive to see it live and cheer for Canada. My dad says they closed his school for each of those games so kids could watch them.

I love how russia was surprised by Canada's brutality and Canada by Russia's speed.

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The guy playing Bobby Clarke is doing a good job too...I dislike him as much as I dislike the REAL Bobby Clarke.

on a different (but similar) note...I know we've discussed it here before, but I just saw a preview and "The Rocket" looks really good too. I've got a couple Hab fan buddies at work...we may have to take an afternoon off and go see it.

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Overall I think it was a pretty good series considering and budget and the lenght (4 hours). Most hilarious part was probably the chandelier. And I also got chills when that camera zoomed in on Handerson on the bench, knowing what will happen. I would have liked to see some of the celebrations in Canada and that guy that told the camera the most famous words of that series (yes, after the words Handerson scores for Canada). That guy probably had glasses as thick as a hockey board window, those famous words: "God is Canadian". ;)

I remember a few years after the series a friend of mine in high school telling me about the chandelier incident and how they thought it was a bug of some kind.....At the time I though it was a load of BS. But after seeing it in the movie I guess it was true. :unsure:

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but I just saw a preview and "The Rocket" looks really good too. I've got a couple Hab fan buddies at work...we may have to take an afternoon off and go see it.

I guess they had to blur out the team logos because of conflicts with the NHL and teams. On the previews of the english one that you saw yesterday, you could see the Leafs, Habs and Bruins logo's blurred. They weren't blurred out when the movie came out in french about 5 or 6 months ago.

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i live in detroit and get cbc out of winsor, and loved the movie. i realy liked the end when the russian gave the canadains that trophy and espo give them back a stick. classic.

don mcclean said that the tube skates were found still in their boxes in nova scotica(sp). he also said that sherwood made up a batch of sticks and put "northland" and another name on them just for the movie. i would like to know where all the equiment was found.

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I was completely tied up for the two nights this aired, and was REALLY looking forward to it.

I actually did get to see some of it on TV when I was in school too. I was just in my first year of hockey and I remember this being a really big deal with my teacher. I can't imagine what we had for TV's back then, but our school did set T.V.s out for classes to watch.

Specifics of the games aside, I will never forget how pumped my dad and big brothers (the role models) were during this series. My dad is a pretty stoic fella, usually, and I remember him yelling and cheering on Canada.

Now to find someone around here who taped it...I would love to watch it.

on a totally unrelated side note, a while back I was up late and flipped to the NHL channel. To my great joy it was the New Year's Eve classic between the Russians and the Canadiens. That was a great surprise to see again too as I remembered that game extremely well!



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i live in detroit and get cbc out of winsor, and loved the movie. i realy liked the end when the russian gave the canadains that trophy and espo give them back a stick. classic.

don mcclean said that the tube skates were found still in their boxes in nova scotica(sp). he also said that sherwood made up a batch of sticks and put "northland" and another name on them just for the movie. i would like to know where all the equiment was found.

They found the skates and other equiment in Moncton/Riverview New Brunswick. The movie was filmed in Fredericton New Brunswick by most of the people who do the Trailer Park Boys show.

If you go to www.cbc.ca you can find the link for info on the movie.

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