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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Flex Preference

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Last year I used an Inno 260 flex with about a 5 inch wood plug. I don't know exactly what that equates to, but it is whippier than the regular flex CCM that I use for ice. I'm about 6'4", 250lbs. I'm currently pondering my stick options for roller hockey this year.

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Its just ive heard people say "use whippy sticks for roller, its better". Ive been using a whip TPS and its too noodley. I have a v130 regular and prefer it because of the flex. Its a bit stiff, but I like it. I only weigh 145 too.

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I'm 5'11" 200 lbs and I like 105-110 flex for ball hockey -- I dont know if it's the same weight as a roller puck. I can't seem to be able to get any power behind my shots with whippy sticks unless I have some crazy hook on my blade -- also that feeling of my shot being delayed bothers me. I remember I was able to shoot rockets with my first composite shaft and it almost didn't flex at all -- it was a red bauer concave/convex shaft.

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Its just ive heard people say "use whippy sticks for roller, its better". Ive been using a whip TPS and its too noodley. I have a v130 regular and prefer it because of the flex. Its a bit stiff, but I like it. I only weigh 145 too.

It depends on prefrences. I like whippy sticks for wrist shots and stick handling, but stiffer sticks for hacking and slapshots. Some people take alot more slapshots in in-line because of the open space and extra time, others not so much. I change flexes all the time, so I won't bother posting what I use.

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i used a 75 flex int. synthesis for roller and it felt good. i just didn't like the shaft cause it was thinner than a senior shaft. i used a 260 flex for roller and it wasn't too bad. but i also had a 100 flex synergy and couldn't stand it on roller.

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5'6" 185lbs

i used to like Easton's 100flex when i first learned how do a slap shot, but now im begining to like the whippier sticks (~85ish) as it feels like it takes too much "work" for me to get a shot off w/ a stiffer shaft....that, or im just majorly out of shape.

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Last year I used an Inno 260 flex with about a 5 inch wood plug. I don't know exactly what that equates to, but it is whippier than the regular flex CCM that I use for ice. I'm about 6'4", 250lbs. I'm currently pondering my stick options for roller hockey this year.

thats really stiff, are u sure it is whippier than regular ccm?

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oh yeah i forgot i'm 5'9" 170 lbs.

and i feel like the innovative 260 flex is flexier than it should be. i would have thought it would be stiffer too but it didn't feel as stiff as my synergy.

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I'm 5'11 and weigh 160lbs.

Use a 100flex atm for ball hockey, as mentioned by others, to much friction on the surface while stickhandling with softer flexes.

95(CCM regular) also work well, while Inno 260's (90ish) are to soft for my PP.

Some people take alot more slapshots in in-line because of the open space and extra time
<--- He speaks the truth! another reason I use 100flex.

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Last year I used an Inno 260 flex with about a 5 inch wood plug.  I don't know exactly what that equates to, but it is whippier than the regular flex CCM that I use for ice.  I'm about 6'4", 250lbs.  I'm currently pondering my stick options for roller hockey this year.

thats really stiff, are u sure it is whippier than regular ccm?

That makes sense. An Inno 260 flex is about 90. A CCM regular flex is about 95. Add a plug to it and it should definitly(sp?) feel whippier than a CCM regular flex.

Getting back to the topic. I prefer a whippier stick because I take lots of wrist shots. I have a quicker release and better shot with whippier sticks.

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5'10" 160 TPS Response+ Whip all the way.

Shots are harder, faster, and more accurate. When I'm on d, I find the flex helps with long breakout passes too.

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5'11'' 190lbs

Mission L-2 in 85 and 100 flex... I used to hate the 85 but find myself using it over the 100. I cut the 100 flex down and it felt too stiff so I bought the 85 flex and kept it standard length but it was too whippy for my liking at first...so then I cut the 85 down to the 100s length and its perfect now. I have way better snap/wristshots and passing/stickhandling, can't really tell the difference between slapshots tho. I prefer the 85 now

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165 lbs

I've been using Easton UltraLite 100 and 110 flex all my hockey life and find myself using my 100 flex more nowadays. I have tried an 85 flex on ice and found it to noodle-ly for my liking.

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170 lbs

I prefer 90-100 flex sticks for roller. I tried a few whippy sticks, but I couldn't get used to slapshots and receiving passes with a whippy stick.

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5'9" 220 using 85 flex M-2, Ultra-Lite and Nike Apollo OPS. Don't like too stiff for inline, so 85 fits the bill

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