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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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spray paint stick

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What about the kind you can get for motorcycles/autos at like Murray's or Advanced Auto? I've never tried it but I use that stuff a lot on my motorcycles and it seems relatively durable. I would try it with a cheaper stick first before you go spraypainting your Vector 130 LOL

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Has anyone tryed to paint Bauer Vapor XX or XXX all black? If so what did you use and how did it turn out for you?

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hey this may be stupid but how come you guys do it? I see it all the time but just never bothered to ask

Why not better than taping your whole stick black

I did that except white and it was way before the hex came out so it was weird to everyone else and it attracted alot of attention. Then a couple of my friends taped theire sticks all the way with pink tape. Its ok though because we were good.

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shouldn't you use a paint that flexes? I would think that most paint would chip off after a few slappers do to the flex of the stick.

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shouldn't you use a paint that flexes? I would think that most paint would chip off after a few slappers do to the flex of the stick.

most spray paint is some sort of latex or other polymer and hence inherently flexy

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I use "plasti-dip" it is in a spray can that you can get at your local hardware store. Ex. Home Depot. It is nice because with enough coats(only 2 or so) it does not chip, and it has a rubbery feel to it. (it feels like a grip stick). It is kindove like the stuff you would find on the grip of plyers.

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on a side note i just spray painted the cuff of my new eagle cp94 gloves, two inno 1100 sticks, my pitch 3 blade holders, the graf logos on my pants, and my chrome jofa cage, looks great

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I use "plasti-dip" it is in a spray can that you can get at your local hardware store. Ex. Home Depot. It is nice because with enough coats(only 2 or so) it does not chip, and it has a rubbery feel to it. (it feels like a grip stick). It is kindove like the stuff you would find on the grip of plyers.

can you get that in clear? i think the stuff i saw was yellow, and i didnt want an all yellow stick..

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Scuff it with some fine sandpaper or scotchbrite pad, then wipe the stick down with denatured alcohol (isopropyl works too). For a much more durable paint job, do many 'light' coats... don't do one or two full coverages.

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